You agree to help the Druid find the evil Orc. He sets off through the forest, leading you to the Orc's lair. The forest opens up a path in front of the man, animals clear out of his way and birds sing for him. Druids can be funny like that.

The two of you eventually come to a cave. Bones of all shapes and sizes are littered about the front. The forest itself is silent, seeming to be frightened of this place.

The Druid motions for silence (either that or he was attempting to smoke without a cigerette) and you follow him to the mouth of the cave.

You become aware of snoring, the sound is from deep within the cavren. Orcs, you recall, prefer to sleep during the day, most of the time.

You and the Druid enter and find that the Orc is indeed sleeping.

What do you plan to do?

Kill the creature while it sleeps

Urge the Druid to kill the Orc while it sleeps

Wake the Orc up for fair combat

Steal the Treasue Chest beside the Orc, and run 1