: Goodday, who art thou?
: I'm Kain the Dragoon, who're you?
: I am Cyan, retainer to the throne of Doma.
: My special ability is to Jump, what's yours?
: It is called Swordtech.
: How does it work?
: I wait for a fixed amount of time and then unleash a devestating attack.
: Why do you wait?
: To charge up.
: You know; when I jump I spend a long time in the air. Even when I jump inside a cave.
: What do you do up there?
: I practice looking tough.
: That must be hard with a helmet on.
: That's why I practice.
Judge: Will you to just get on with it?
: With what?
Judge: With fighting each other! We don't have all day here.
: You want to?
: Sure, why not!
: He leaps into the air.
: He begins charging his Swordtech.
Five minutes pass...
: Almost there...
: Yeah, I'm tough!
Ten minutes...
: Ah ha! He leaps down at Cyan
: Ho ho! He unleashes Cleaver
: Ow!
: Oof!
: ....
: ....
Judge: Zzzzzzzzzz...