Index Battle Arena

- Zzz... Why yes... Zzz... I would like an easy to afford long distance plan... Zzz...

- HEY!

- ACK! Stop doing that!

- It's update time

- Ok, so what's next?

- The fiend battle you kept ignoring last time

- Gee, it sure takes Yang a long time to find imps

- You're doing it again...


- 10,000 GP

- 10,000 GP going once!

- Papa, I want it!

- 10,000 GP going twice!

- Please??

- 10,000 GP going thrice!

- 1,000,000 GP!

- SOLD for one million gold pieces!!

- Yay!

- *falls off the stage*

- Hohoho... don't tell mommy

- ARGH! That's the eighth time!

- Alright, I'll do the fiend battle, but the end result's pretty obvious; what else?

- God of Bad Hair Cuts wants to see-

- Why should I do anything for the one responsible for this? *gestures to his hair*

- I see your point. Nevertheless the request is for the Secret of Mana main character and Duran from the sequal to fight Crono and Mario

- I don't know anything about Duran, and I don't remember much of SoM

- But maybe appeasing the bad haircut god will help you to one day have nice hair

- What would I even call the SoM guy? Som guy? Hehe, get it?

- ... actually his name is Randi

- Oh... I'll compromise, SoM Guy vs. Crono

- Joy. Ok, next is from Pokemon Master of the Apocolypse

- Now, my name may be long, but that's going a bit too far

- Anyway, PMotA's request is Lavos

- ... and?

- That's it. Lavos.

- Well... okay


- Winner by default, Lavos!

- Oh, wait, he got it right on the next page

- I knew that was too easy

- Lavos, Carbunkle and Cactaur against Bahamut, a behemoth and a rabite

- "The new age of pokemon battles is here!" I mean, no. Those aren't pokemon, they're not kept inside little plastic balls. And talk about stacking a fight!

- So you aren't doing it?

- I will, but I don't want to

- (Like I care)

- Schala, you used to be so nice, what happend?

- Chrono Cross

- Oh yeah, I feel your pain

- I don't want to talk about it. Nintendo Fan wants to see Mario Vs. Ness

- You know, I only played about five minutes of Earth Bound

- Maybe if you played more RPG's, things would be easier for you

- Maybe if people stuck to Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger like I asked so nicely, I wouldn't have to

- Lazy

- A crow killed Ness within those five minutes, it was traumatic; I couldn't go on

- What's it matter anyway? It's not like you stay true to anyone else's personalities

- Point. Ok, put that one down as well

- Maybe you should start on the ones you have before you go any further

- I have to wait for Yang, how hard can it be to find the right kind of imp?


- HALT! Finally, I can complete my mission

- You talking to me?

- Your presence is required, imp!

- What are you talking about? Who are you?

- It is of no concern, come along, already I have spent too much time on this task

- Just explain yourself there, mister

- Very well

- That's better

- If you won't come along quietly, than by force!

- Wha?!


- *knocked out*

- Dark God wants to see-

- There seem to be a lot of gods visiting this site

- I'm sure they're minor gods of no importance

- That makes me feel real special

- Dark God wants to see Giga Gaia against Carbunkle

- What's with the Carbunkle fights? All he can do is reflect anyway

- Don't ask me. He also requests Black Mage from the original FF fighting Janus

- Because that's a challange?

- It's probably the Black Mage from 8-bit theatre

- I think that's ripping off too many things at once. But it does sound funny! Write it down

- I'm not representing you in court

- Next!

- Mario vs. Tower of Kefka

- No

- Why not?

- Too many Mario fights, too many Tower of Kefka fights; besides, I haven't rejected a request for over a minute, I don't want to get soft

- "Cloud, Squall and Zidane. Heros, DESTROY EACH OTHER!!"

- We already did that one, Dark God has crossed the line, ignore the rest of his suggestions

- Well that clears up a good chunk. Atma wants to see Sephiroth fight a revived Kefka

- Maybe someday, assuming Kefka is ever revived. Talk about jumping ahead

- Atma Weapon wants to see Sephiroth battle Gogo

- I don't have a sprite fo-

- "If you need a gif for sephiroth, mail me at"

- ... fine, I'll call that bluff; send an email

- Hattrick 247 wants to see X, Zero and Iris fight Gato

- Gato's gone

- He probably meant Megaga- nevermind

- Sir! I have found your imp

- Yang! What took so long?

- You would not believe how many item shops do not carry imps

- All of them?

- ... so, anyway, I found one!

- ...blurgh...

- He looks kinda dead

- Edward might still have trouble defeating him

- I don't want the SPCI (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Imps) after me

- But they're ok with forcing imps to fight to the death?

- It's Edward

- Right, right

- Yang, please take the imp away and prepare him for battle

- As you request *drags the imp off by the ankle*

- And try to keep him alive!

- There!

- We're done?

- No, but you can finally fulfill an actual request!

- Let me take a nap first

- *sigh* How'd I get stuck with this job? *steals some pens and leaves*

Ragnarok SAGA

Yang's Quest

Today's update..........................................failed

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