I want you
to teach me
I am ready to learnI want you to teach me
the warmth of your breath
the weight of your body
I want to experience
the trembles heat
educate me with your
mouth tongue shoulders arms fingers
chest hips thighs legs feet toesI want you
to teach meI'm ready
to learnclass begins
{Michelle Renee Pichon}
Madam Honey
this lady is so fine...golden hair and lips like wine...
she excites me...delights me and sometimes even bites me...
she is my love...my world...and yes, she is my girl...
such a pleasure...that I treasure...
and I feel I have known her forever....
{quoted by GFR}I have been asked why I have made this page... Well I am not really sure... mostly to express this side of myself... not an easy thing to do in "real life" without being shunned... or arrested *giggle*
My sexuality (like many people) is a big part of who I am and what guides me to make certain decisions. But like I said... you can't be to open with it without fear of being labeled or shunned.
So this is me flashing myself... not wearing panties under a short skirt... pinching a cute guys ass... All the things I want to do and "can't".Pix of Madam
This Kiss
Stories by MadamStories and Erotic Websites by Friends of Madam
The Pool
The Babysitter
Your Touch
Cyber Love
Erotic Art by Storm
A Bedtime Story...by KissMeSilly
Hotdreamz...Erotic letters
There is a very special man that taught me love and passion beyond my wildest dreams... He will be forever in my heart. Much love and thanks for everything you were, are and always will be.
I would also like to thank KMS for her technical advice and
just for being a good friend.Sign Guestbook View Guestbook