Simplified Intarsia Carvings

Intarsia involves cutting different types of wood and making designs or figures with them. Simplified intarsia involves cutting pieces of the same wood and staining or painting each piece differently.

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Simplified Intarsia Eagle...This simplified intarsia eagle is based on the art of Amy Joslyn from Ontario, Canada. Yolande liked the simplified intarsia so much that she encouraged Curt to do more. So he did

Simplified Intarsia Ele-hant...This simplified intarsia Elephant was made for Dots and Jim Katz, Fall, 2001.

A Cormorant...A Cormorant just like those that lived by our home at Eagle's Nest.

A TrollA St. Patty TrollTwo Trolls. I tried to give th e one on the right a "touch of the Irish" for Joann's birthday on 3/19/99.

A Humming BirdA Humming Bird

Pygmy Owl Intarsia...This "Owl in a Tree Trunk" was also done using simplified intarsia.

Garfield...Garfield was made for Yolande's sewing room wall.

Elephant...A friendly elephant ambling along.

Intarsia Elephant in frame An Intarsia Elephant in a frame

Three Manatees...Daddy Manatee, Momma Manatee with Baby Manatee close by her side.

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