The Dragonfly Tutorial

No tools needed. Just a 4 foot piece of telephone wire and an hour or so. 

First, we will create the body by folding the wire back and forth on itself. 
Run one inch, fold back and run three inches, fold back and run full length 
until you have five full three inch runs, and the one inch run is at the 
other end of the run where you just finished.

Now, holding the wire runs together tightly, with about 1/8 inch extending 
past your fingers start to wrap the wire around the runs, creating a coil.
Continue to do this for approximately 2 1/2 inches.

At this point, the wings are created. To make the back wings run your wire 
out perpendicular to the body, the same length as the tail portion, then double 
back, cross over the body and repeat on the other side of the body. What you 
should end up with is a figure eight with the center resting on top of the body.
Wrap the wire over the body and wing, diagonally front to back one full time, 
and then back so you are positioned behind the wing. Roll under the body, and 
then wrap diagonally, opposite your last diagonal wrap, one full time and then 
half way again. You should now be positioned on top of, and in front of the wing.
Wrap around the body twice, and then repeat the wing procedure in order to create 
the front wing.

You're almost done, just continue to wrap around the body until you are almost 
at the end, leaving just enough of the body to be able to run your wire through 
the loop created by the folds in the original step. Two times through the loop 
is ideal. This will help to keep the wrap tight. If you're able to do more than 
two times, you left to much of a loop.

You should have about six inches of wire to use to mount you sculpture. 
Use it to wrap around a plant stalk, curl it up to hang it, etc...