Welcome to my Guestbook! Thank you for taking the time to inform me of your thoughts. *Smile* Mystique.

Mitch, A.K.A. The Asianlover - 07/09/00 06:54:42
My Email:asianlover4ang@hotmail.com
Favorite Types of Art: "SEXUAL"!!!
"What a SITE"!!! Love the "honesty" you share... You seem preatty cool to just tell it like it is!!! Yeah, i'd like to chat sometime drop me a line sometime!!!

LikeriaŠ - 09/15/99 20:50:55
My Email:ushouldknow@lol.heh
Favorite Types of Art: all types
ya wanna kno why your counter is soo high??? it's cuz of all the times i have been here*lol* just thought i'd come in and see if anythng has changed.. ttyl btw, page still looks awesome

LOKI - 06/10/99 05:44:16
My Email:osiris_5150@yahoo.com
Favorite Types of Art: Female form..*S*
I think your page is cool...And when (if) you finish it I will be jelous....*S* I will see ya in Masq soon.....LOKI

JESTER :-} - 02/09/99 21:17:49
My Email:me@here.com
Favorite Types of Art: all the stuff that ain't yet linked
hey guess who!!!! anyway your fantasy art links are down so get to it see you on the 13th! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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