Top 17 Signs You are at a Bad Ren Fair

17. The castle and village are made entirely of Legos.

16. Turkey leg bears striking resemblance to Cocker Spaniel leg.

15. Festival activities include "Ye Olde Wet T-Shirt Contest."

14. Eight minute drum solo in the middle of "Greensleeves."

13. "Belly up to the bar, me lad, for some grilled mahi-mahi and fresh California Roll!"

12. Ye Old Glassblower makes nothing but crack pipes.

11. The meade is served in a coconut shell with a Fizzy straw.

10. Everyone seems to have attended the Kevin Costner School of British Accents.

9. Mosh pit follows the wandering minstrels.

8. You get charged 5 bucks to take a leak behind Ye Olde Hedge.

7. Guillotine exhibit closed due to pending litigation.

6. Friar Tuck's pager keeps going off.

5. Featured event: "Johnson-Jousting!"

4. Disgusting Ogre is merely an unshaved Marlon Brando.

3. "Tarry, wench, I prithee! Wouldst thou Macarena?"

2. Merlin the Magician's only trick is "Got your nose!"

And the Number 1 Sign You're at a Bad Renaissance Festival...
1. Jousting Crips & Bloods.