-The Macarena:
-The Spice girls
-Computers that don't do what you want them to
-People who promise to call you back but never do
-The guy in the left lane driving like grandma (no offense to grandma)
-Barney-need I say more?
-Salespeople who call and hangup after a four hour discussion on a vaccum cleaner hose followed by a short disortation on the state of the human mind... Oh wait, Am I the only one... um... never mind...
-People who call and when you pick up the phone, they hang up.
-Kids who ask you "Where do babies come from?" I mean at age 40, you should know that...
-Hanson [Did anyone see that MTV show where Manson kills both Hanson and the Spicegirls?;-)]
-Jehova's Witnesses (I love tormenting them though)