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The Silent Giant's Web Page

The Silent Giant is Kevin D. Sprague an artist who lives in Southern Idaho.

This page will hold some of my art. I do mostly "stipple" work which is done in tiny dots. It can take me up to 3 or 4 months to do one stipple project. I hold the COPYRIGHT to all of my artwork so you must obtain permission from me to use it. You can do that by e-mailing me at the address at the bottom of this page. I need to point out that by scanning the stipple works into the computer some of the stipple detail is lost.

Each school I attended has a piece of my art work. You can go see these special pages by clicking on the names below.

Huskie Pups
I also do pictures for friends and relatives. You can see these pictures by clicking on the names below:

Mountain Man
Small Bird
Mother and Baby
Snow Owl
Andi-Lynn Earl age 2
(This is my little cousin and the picture is a gift to her mother)

Click here to see a cool art site.

Email me!

Last updated Friday January 21, 2000