Be it known, to all that climb this mountain, that there lies a garden to which no
One has trod. Be it also known, that this garden belongs to Theleme and Odorico, whose
Union was forbidden, by the laws of the village, Theleme's family, and by
Nature itself. The two decided to defy all by joining in wedlock. The mighty
Dragon, Odorico, chose the beautiful peasant girl, Theleme, as his mate, and she him.
Bonded by the feelings they have for one another, they set out on their own.
Years have passed since they last saw another human, or another dragon for that matter.
Loving this garden, and each other, is all that they have. It is enough for them.
Only the strongest of loves can bind two hearts, as theirs have been bound.
Very few have traveled far enough to set eyes upon the wondrous garden, none, close
Enough to touch the pedals of the roses that blanket the outside wall.
All that is within the two hearts is also within the garden. I say to them,
Live long my friends, and bring great joy to one another. There is no
Other love such as yours. When your lives have passed, and the walls are gone,
No creature will be able to resist the beauty of your garden. The many blooms of
Everlasting understanding, and the great knowledge that comes from acceptance.E#060;p>