Theleme could not remember a day, when she had not watched the meadow.
Odorico could not remember a day, when he did not see her there.
Long ago he would not have considered such a union; it was forbidden.
Only with your kind are you to wed. These were the words of his father.
Very soon, Theleme thought, as she gazed upon her lover, we will join.
Even the smallest of the creatures will rejoice for us.
Theleme gathered her belongings, and began her journey toward destiny.
Her feet knew the path, and carried her swiftly, to the waiting arms of Odorico.
Every beat of his heart was for her. Laws be damned, he loved that woman.
Deweyo, her father, could not believe that she would dishonor her kind this way.
Running away to marry was not acceptable, and certainly not to wed him.
Ages ago, the laws were passed, and now she had her mind set to defy them.
Giving herself to Odorico, meant never being able to return home to her family.
Odorico new the sacrifice that Theleme had made, and he vowed that she would
Never regret her choice to love him.......The Dragon.