by Samuel N. Jones

September 27, 2001

Why are there two festivals that both picture the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ covering sins?

* Passover covers those Saints who will take part in the first, or better resurrection.

* Atonement covers all the rest of humanity who have lived before and after that resurrection.

Since Passover ...... the lambs sacrificed, etc...... pictures the saving blood and sacrifice of Jesus, then look at the symbolism of that FIRST Passover. What was the purpose of that first Passover? To save ALL Israel? No! Rather it was to cover the firstborn only. Only the firstborn were killed by the death angel IF the blood of the lambs was not put on their door posts. This plague did not apply to ALL Israel or even to ALL Egypt, but only to the firstborn, so only the firstborn were covered by this blood. (A "shadow" of the drinking of wine by Christians today, symbolic of the blood of Christ taking away our sins).

Then came the Days of Unleavened Bread when unleavened bread was eaten by the Israelites. (A "shadow" of Christians today eating unleavened bread, symbolic of the body of Christ ---- actually taking HIM into ourselves and our lives ----- taking on HIS righteousness).

Next comes the wave sheaf offering. (A "shadow" of Christ being accepted by the Father, and ALL things being placed in His hands).

Following this comes Pentecost ----- Feast of Firstfruits, or firstborn! (A "shadow" of the first resurrection of the Church of God ----- the Bride of Christ ---- to eternal life as firstfruits and, and the marriage supper of the Lamb.

But does the Passover picture that sacrifice for all mankind? I don’t think so, because this original, physical, ceremony only applied to, or directly affected the firstborn. Symbolically the physical "NT Passover", as instituted by Jesus, only applies to the firstfruits, or to "the church of the "firstborn". (Heb. 12:23)

Now there is only one sacrifice of the Savior for all mankind, but that one sacrifice is applied differently and at different times for two different groups. There can ONLY be one group of firstfruits. No one else can have that title. no one else will be a part of that "Bride" of the Lamb. But there must be a way to "cleanse" the rest of the world humanity who repent and turn to God.

Just as the saints ..... firstfruits ..... have made their robes white "in the BLOOD OF THE LAMB", so must the rest of humanity at a later time. There is still only one sacrifice, as Christ WILL NOT be put to death again. There must be, as required by the law, an atoning for the sins of the people who are imperfect, weak, and carnal. That same blood that covered the sins of the Saints, who have a part in the "better resurrection", will also cover the sins of the rest of mankind, but this is pictured by the Day of Atonement which, (just as it did for Israel physically), atones for, or covers, the sins of ALL PEOPLE! Remember, the first Passover applied only to the firstborn! Then Israel kept this Passover annually, as commanded by God, as a "remembrance" of God bringing them out of slavery. Maybe this is why the Jews keep the Passover at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th of Nissan, because they were commanded to observe it as a memorial of coming out of Egypt. They focus on the whole nation being brought out of Egypt, yet that very first Passover protected and covered only the firstborn from sure death.

Nowhere in the scriptures were the Israelites instructed to observe the Passover as an atonement for their sins, because the Passover was a memorial for them as a nation or ALL the people at the appointed season that there were brought out of Egypt. But Atonement was critical to the whole nation in order for the justification of the whole nation ..... ALL the people.

Remember, the holy days are "shadows" of things to come. (Col. 2:17) The questions we need to answer are how these days apply to us, and what is it about God’s plan that these days picture or describe for us. If Passover itself pictures the sacrifice for all mankind, then what is the purpose of Atonement? This is why it seems to me that the Day of Atonement pictures the application of the sacrifice of the Lord and Savior as the atonement for the sins of the world after the triumphant return of Christ and the 1000 year reign of the Saints. That "atonement" then covers those who accept Jesus Christ and choose His way in the day of judgment.

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