...blue water... blue sky... blue is calming and soothing. Some say it can lower blood pressure. Blue is traditional. Do people that drive blue cars drive slower or is this an illusion?

OK, so blue is not always very stimulating (though it can be) and it usually doesn't shout. But blue is familiar, and friendly and true. It is also business-like and professional. Blue can be quite formal.
And blue can be very calming! Sometimes it can be too calming and boring. Choosing a complimentary color to blue is just as important as choosing the right blue. Sometimes blue needs a little help from his friends.

Here is just a sampling of combinations using web safe colors. Experiment for yourself.
Blue can invoke memories of oceans, blue sky, blue jeans, blue suede shoes, and times gone by. Blue can also make one think of particular sports teams, school colors and certain political campaigns. Of course, most colors can.

Blue has many variations in intensity... blue can be deep and rich like midnight or navy, light and bright like a sunny day, cozy and soft, country, sophisticated, comfortable, or electric!
traditional country bright
pale and sweet deep and rich sophisticated
electric soft and fun cool and dark

blue can also be...

contemporary formal dull / bright
cozy ouch! soft and calm

blue in reverse...

A sampling of blue text on various colored backgrounds.

traditional country bright
pale and sweet deep and rich sophisticated
electric soft and fun cool and dark
contemporary formal dull / bright
cozy ouch! soft and calm

blue by the number

A palette of web safe blues by the hexidecimal number.

ccccff 9999ff 330099
9999cc 6666ff 6666cc
666699 333399 333366
3333ff 3300ff 3300cc
3333cc 000099 000066
6699ff 3366ff 0000ff
0000cc 0033cc 000033
0066ff 0066cc 3366cc
0033ff 003399 003366
99ccff 3399ff 0099ff
6699cc 336699 006699
66ccff 33ccff 00ccff
3399cc 0099cc 99ffff
66ffff 33cccc  

blue by the name

This palette of blues by the name are generally not web safe.
A few of these blues are web safe and they are marked with an asterick *.

aqua * blue cornflowerblue
* cyan darkcyan darkblue
darkslateblue deepskyblue dodgerblue
darkturquoise indigo lightblue
lightcyan mediumblue mediumslateblue
midnightblue navy paleturquoise
mediumturquoise powderblue royalblue
skyblue slateblue steelblue
turquoise cadetblue