Milo Edward and Grover Bean Hall
Milo and Grover are brothers from the same litter. My friend Marli's cat had kittens right when I got out of college and even though I swore through her whole pregnancy that I wasn't taking a kitten, as soon as I saw them (the day they were born), I picked Grovey out and claimed him for myself. He was just this little black bean and his whole body fit in the palm of my hand. When I picked him up his little mouth hissed at me, even though his eyes weren't even open yet. I named him after Grover from Sesame Street and Bean because I love the sound of that word, and he looks like a bean.
Milo Edward was going to be Marli's (he's named after her grandfather). I'd come visit Grover all the time and he and Milo were great buds, plus Milo was just a really cool cat (Marli had great taste in pets). So one day I asked Marles if I could have Milo too and she said, "Sure." Just like that. I still think I got the deal of the century. They both turn four in May. And I turn twenty-six! So grown up.
Here's my cutie pie Milo Edward, who used to spend hours in this bathroom sink. We have since moved, and now he has a specific rug that he likes to sit on. Milo is a macho kitty, but very slutty and friendly. If you come over, Milo will be the one all over you, wanting to be petted. This picture was taken with one of those disposable cameras, so it looks a little crappy.
Here's my little sweetie Grover. Isn't he a love? He is a wimp, though, and will most likely run if you came near him out of nowhere. After awhile he'd warm up to you, though. If you didn't have a loud voice. This picture was taken when Grovey was just a pup, and I was in a photography class, with my fancy Minolta camera -- ooh la la!
Here's a link to a comic strip I did about the kitties.
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