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Singer. Mary. Cali, my cat! Remy, my other cat. Street performer. Kelli. Window. Gypsy. Daliah.

Most of these were made on Ilford films, developed with Ilfords ID-11 developer, mixed at 1-1.

I find that the ID-11 developer is more forgiving than most others, and with consistant developing procedures provides very predictable results.

ID -11 is especially nice when proccessing Kodaks Tri-X, and Plus-X films. It holds more shadow detail, while maintaining printable highlights, than other developers I have used. While I like the range of tones with HP5, and FP4, Kodaks Tri-X is truly an amazing film. It's tonal range, and contrast are second to none, and when proccessed with care has minimal grain. That extra speed sure helps as well. I find that I am shooting it more than any other film lately.

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