Bryan Hoben

The Fabulous Unbelievably Impressive Hoben Family!

This page is now the home of our Family Photo Album. Bryan Hoben is a recent graduate of West Texas A&M University and technical administrative assistant at the graphics lab at Dallas County Community College. Leah Hoben is a graduate of West Texas State University(the same college, weird hunh?) and currently teaches Computer Literacy in Lancaster. Her Web page has just recently earned an Award. Our daughter Becca is 6 headed for 7 as of this december and is currently in first grade. Please be sure to send email either to me using the link at the bottom of this page with your comments. You may also message us at his ICQ pager and home page.

This year for Halloween we had our own little Pokemon going for the candy, PikaBoo! She was adorable in the costume, though her talking in Pika-ese made communication near to impossible. My wife was ravishing as a web mistress for the halloween party we attended, and like a protective husband i went as a "security protocol" for her website. Back away from the mouse, you have twenty seconds to comply. Becca's birthday was Dec. the 14th and we celebrated it, Chuck E. Cheese style!

Leah Hoben's Class Page
Pikaboo! Pikaboo Tail Pika? Boo? Pikaboo, I choose You! The costume wins out, The Final Pikaboo
Leah, Web Mistress, Thank you very much Infidel! Log in or be destroyed! Becca recieving a huge pikachu A big hug for Chuck E. Cheese Becca and the Balloon Silly Boo Smile

Becca and Opal
A big Chuck E. Cheese snuggle More Party guests! The Pose Posse In her Dreams... Yeah!!!
One of the newest bands! Boo getting down with Chuck TBA TBA TBA TBA
TBA The LONG awaited wedding pics My Students, how i torture them
More torture Becca in her current smile Bryan's links
TBA TBA TBA A pic of Bryan himself The Boo! Our Family Pictures Continued!

You can reach the web agent (and coincidentally, his wife) by e-mail at:

This page was created by Leah Horton when it WAS still Leah Horton
and is now Leah Hoben

Copyright Leah Horton, 1997

Created 1-97, last updated 12-22-99