Welcome to my guestbook!! Please feel free to leave any and all comments about my artwork; I would appreciate any constructive criticism.

Neill Horton - 10/27/00 13:39:59
My Email:Phreedom1@msn.com
Your favorite piece: all --- very nice work
Your least favorite piece: none
Nice layout of pics. I could use some hints for my page.

John Hoben - 09/01/00 05:05:48
My Email:hbnjoh@cs.com
Your favorite piece: all
Looks great.Email me sometime.

jack hoben - 06/20/99 17:53:53
Your favorite piece: all of them

John Holt - 09/29/98 20:49:20

Chris Daniel - 10/31/97 16:04:21
My Email:USMCBRCN@aol.com
Your favorite piece: All of them
Your least favorite piece: None
Really liked your gallery of pics .... keep me informed....

Leah Horton - 07/30/97 02:14:44 GMT
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Studios/leah.html
My Email:leah@arn.net
Your favorite piece: Waterball
Your least favorite piece: didn't have one
Hi QT! Just me tryin out the guestbook!

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