Welcome To Gothic Denver..A page made for the Gothic community of Denver, Co.


Finally someone has a Gothic Jukebox

The pupose of this page is to give the gothic community of Denver a place on the web where one may feel free to meet other people, read about them and as well come together and plan social events...etc. I don't know about you but it is not easy to find a place where goth's can go and hang out with other goth's. There used to be a few happening places but everyone seems to be dissapearing. Perhaps everyone is getting bored of going to clubs where half the people there are a bunch of yuppies who just want to check out "The freak show" "eh"? Well we need to think about somewhere and something for us. Somewhere we can be comfortable. So in this I present to you This website. No advertising... No profit...I'm doing this cause I Love you guy's and gals. I feel at home when I am with you. But this page will not be a success without you. Actually You are exactly what this page needs to exsist. I need all your ideas, poetry, pictures, art, plans, meeting places, party's, and anything else that you can think of to give to other goth's here in denver.

want to see the owner of the site?

Want to email the webmaster privately?

what do you know he can fetch...good boy.

copywrite 1997 page made and maintained by TESLA updated 11/23/97

Gothic Denver is an avid supporter of

rock on with quake and quake2 the best 3d shooters in exsistance