Misunderstood devils dancing like fairies
Feed my soul,
all you creatures
and noble demons!
Feed my ravenous soul
with dreamlike delicacies that
reek of life’s vitality.
Don’t fill my throat with
the sour meat of
fleshy pretence.
But let me bite off a chunk of passion
from the neck of a living
an honest lover.
Don’t kiss me with dark, pouting lips
for the sake of a pose.
I would rather kiss a mannequin with my
warm, moist mouth.
Look me in the eyes,
you frightened souls,
and show me what cowers behind those
flowery facades .
Show me your fear, your confusion,
your desire.
Let me see the blazing of your life force
- loving and grieving.
One can taste love in the mouth of
the strangest places.
Most profound.
Strange places in the mind of some
earthly trolls.
Don’t be that way!
Shed your clothes and your inherited shame.
Come dance with cherubs and fairies
in forbidden gardens.
Caress the naked bodies of
your friends.
Because it is their nakedness
that is the most beautiful.
For this is the most true.
Feed my soul, all you friends;
my lovers!
Even if it makes us misunderstood devils
dancing like fairies.
3 April 96