e-mail: Child@Heart
Welcome to my little corner of the web. My name is Mike Marinaro,
I am a Christian and a writer. You will not find any fancy graphics or
bells and whistles here. Instead you will find a little information about
me, a sample of my writing, some great links for writers and great links
for Christians. There is also a link to my daughters page, Angel's Corner she is 15 and
loves to write too. Please feel free to critique my work or my daughter's
work and e-mail your comments to me. We would love to see what you think
about our writing.
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Who is Mike Marinaro?
I was born and raised in Danbury, CT. Graduated from Danbury High School in 1967 and went on to Norwalk State Technical College. After one semester of college I couldn't figure out why I was there...so I dropped out and joined the Navy that very same day! This was during the days of the draft and I figured if I joined the Navy I wouldn't be drafted and sent to Vietnam.
I ended up on an aircraft carrier, The Bon Homme Richard, and found myself in The Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam. The Navy was great...I went to many wonderful places all around the world. My favorite places were Japan, Hong Kong, Hawaii, and the Philipines.
If I had it to do all over again I would have made the Navy my career. I could have been retired after 30 years and still be young enough to start a new career. Well, it didn't happen that way! I only stayed in the Navy from 1968-1970.
Since my Navy days I have lived in several different states and had many career changes. I have been married and divorced twice. Now I am married again for the third time (Three is the charm). My wife Christine and I have just celebrated our sixth anniversary. We are very happy and settled in North Carolina. Between us we have four children and five grandchildren.