(please be patient while these pages load, some have a lot of graphics)

Please choose from the following:
To visit my NEW PAGE, click here

My different art galleries
See some of my different works of art by clicking here to go to the galleries hall.

Links for artists
Links and lists of all the things that an artist may need, from brushes and paints, to agents, to contests, and workshops.

All about me
Everything that you could possibly want to know about the artist.

links to other favourite places
There are all kinds of places out there on the web, and these are a few of my favourites.

What I believe
Have a look at what I believe, and also a link to the top 50 or so of BLAKE'S LAWS.

awards and rings and things
Take a look at the awards I have won, and see the rings I'm a member of.

Poetry corner
The poetry corner is full of poetry and short stories, one of my other past times.

html questions word art
Got questions about HTML? Look here for a few answers.

day without art
Day without art.

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As always, this page is still under some construction,
so please let me know if you find any flaws.