Please look, but don't touch! These images are not to be used for any commercial purposes. I don't mind if you want to use one as your desktop wallpaper, but please contact me before you distribute them or use them for anything else. Thanks.
Dolphins in Metaspace
Created with 3D Studio MAX. Photoshop 4.0 was used for texture creation. I constructed the dolphin mesh out of patch primitives.
The two cubes define one continuous three-dimensional space, containing three dolphins. You can take either cube, and attach it to the front, back, left, right, top or bottom of the other cube, and the dolphin segments will match up. Ameritas
Created with 3D Studio MAX (with a little help from Photoshop 4.0).
The bison is the logo of Ameritas Life
Insurance Corp., where I am currently employed. Desktop Created with 3D Studio MAX. The labels along the right edge were
scanned, then altered with Photoshop 4.0.
This is my Windows 95/NT desktop.
Q: How can you tell the difference between a Windows 95 desktop and
a Windows NT 4.0 desktop?
A: Do you see any game icons? Internet
Blues Created with POV-Ray, a freeware raytracer.
The entire image was created strictly with POV-Ray text files (using the
DOS editor).
This was an entry for one month's Internet Raytracing
Competition (didn't win, but made runner up!)