Moday June 23, 1997 -- I love my job. Yeah, right

Mom is sick again

Talked to Azura some moreyaay!

I spent the better half of my morning banging my head against the (metaphorical) brick wall of Visual Basic and MS SQL server. I eventually solved my (real) problem, but it was lunch by that time, and I was scatterbrained. The people from StLouis will be in Charlotte on the first of July. That gives me about a week to prepare something snazzy for them.

I like working with a strict complicated, deadline. It envigorates me, and I get alot done. Tomorrow, some minor rewrites of my storedprocedures, and I'll have the code acting like it was from the fake data. Then some mods to the look and feel, and we'll be close to what they expect. I can finish that by Wednesday. Heck, I might be able to do it by tomorrow.

A few extra bells and whistles, and things will be ready to dazzle them next Tuesday.

The real question is, Why didn't I feel this way last week? I still don't particularly like what I'm doing, but I'm envigorated a little.

Well, it really could be other things. I had a great weekend. The more I talk to Azura, the happier I am...she asked me if she was in here yet, and she is (starting yesterday). I got some other writing done this weekend...I'm going to visit AJ this weekend. The #bisex picnic is coming soon...

Well, I haven't ranted for awhile. I've felt this one building up.

I am a non-smoker.

I am against the regulation of nicotine, and the fines that tobacco companies are paying.

I think it's wrong that they increase the nictotine content to addict, and keep addicted smokers.

I think it's wrong that they advertise to children.

Children don't have the capacity to make the decision not to smoke. At least, from a legal standpoint. They haven't reached the "Age of Consent." While they might have the ability to determine what is appropriate for them, they don't have the choice, until they are 18. Stupid adults, over 18, have the same ability even if they don't have the ability to determine it. That's what legal definitions get us.

The basic issue is responsibility. IF you are able to give consent to an action, then you are responsible for the action. Very simple. I choose to eat pizza. If i don't exercise to get rid of the fat, then I'm choosing to be overweight. That's simple, choice, responsibility, and I have to accept the consequences of my actions.

So do smokers.

The only people possibly exempt from this are children, who can't give consent, or people who got addicted to cigarettes before it was known that they were both addictive and damaging. Just so you know, that was over 30 years ago.

My friend Ginger smokes. SHe knows what's in store for her. Emphysema and cancer. An early grave. It's her choice, she's made it. She has the right to make it.

The right? Yes.

There is no specific clause in the constitution that says "Right to smoke", but there are two basic tenet's to our society.

First..."We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are endowed by their Creator, certain Uninalienable rights, The right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." That means I can be alive, be free, and am allowed to pursue happiness. My friend Ginger believes that smoking makes her happy. QED, she has the right to smoke.

Second, your rights end, where mine begin. Or as the pundit puts it, "Your right to swing your arms ends at my nose." If you think killing me is part of your pursuit of happiness, you still can't do it, because I have a right to Life.

This is where second hand smoke comes in.

I dont want to breathe your fumes. They are lethal to me, and the abrogate my right to Happiness. You can smoke all you want...Over there..

So we really shouldn't make this illegal, making it illegal, creates more criminals, just as prohibition did. What we need to do, is tax the crap out of it. The states have been doing that for awhile now (and should be using that money to pay for the health care costs. It's exaclty what we do with roads: tax the cars and gas, and use the money to fix the roads. The people who use them, pay for them, simple.

The other thing that would save the dear old tobacco industry is smokeless tobacco, or something like it. Ginger told me that they tried this, but the taste was off, or something. Don't tell me they didn't do this on purpose. They can get the taste right, it's what they do. It's just like GM with their little electric car. See we made it, it doesn't work...but hobbyists have made better cars than GM's model.

But that's the subject for a different rant.

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