Friday, August 1, 1997 -- Let's confuse things just a little more |
Remember, Entropy is always increasing. There is never a time when you can look around and say, "Things can't get worse." |
When I got into work this morning, BossMan gave me the message: Mike wants to see you, he dropped in yesterday right after you left. I left a little early to show Azura some of Charlotte, and hey, she'd gotten here early, didn't have anywhere to go..and I was just twiddling my thumbs at work, waiting for stuff to happen. Stuff did happen, and I went to see Mike almost immediately to find out what. Our customers in St.Louis want me to move to there. To St.Louis. My company is opening a branch in St.Louis, and Mike is the new Branch Manager there. Which is what makes this an OK idea to consider. Before I met Azura, I'd intimated to Gary, and Mike that I wouldn't mind moving to St.Louis. Partly to keep my options open, partly because I knew a few people there, partly just to leave Charlotte. If Azura and I were a little further along in our relationship, then it wouldn't matter either, I'd just go, and she'd probably just come with me, at least the way things stand now she would. But I'm not ready for that, so that's not a workable solution. I called Dad and Azura, and talked with people online. I read webpages about St.Louis to see if I'd like to live there. I put the decision off until Monday. Around 3, Gary came back into my office, and told me that if I didn't move out to St.Louis, they'd want me to fly out there for the next couple of months. I'd fly back every weekend, or every other weekend, or whatever. Gary realizes how hard a decision this is. He grinned at me, and said, "Have a nice weekend." I just looked at him and laughed. I hitched the bus home, and met up with Marie. We decided to check out Paper Skyscraper, and alternative bookstore here in Charlotte, and grab some dinner, and maybe a movie. Paper Skyscraper was closed, so we decided to try back on Sunday. So, I took her to Media Play, another bookstore/CD/Computer Games/Video store, as part of the tour. By the time we got to the big AMC22 Theatre, it was almost time for the movie. Or rather, when I thought the movie was. Evidently I messed it up, and there was no 8:50 showing. So we drove home, and listened to our new CD's, checked email, and relaxed. I fell asleep early again, without making any decisions about St.Louis.
Generic Joe's A Typical Male | ||