Wednesday, August 20, 1997 -- Another Week-long gap

Hey, I'm 29 now! Another week-long gap.

LadyDawn used to bug me when this wasn't there, I guess she doesn't check it everyday anymore, or else, there is more going on. It's not her responsibility to keep me going, though.

I've been unconsciously weaning myself off of my work computer for the past week or two. I'm not going to have it much longer, since I'm going to be somewhere else.

On top of that, I haven't been on much at night. In part, because I've had Azura there to keep me company, and while we've been using the computer, it's shared, and we haven't been online much.

All in all it's a change in routine.

About the time Azura came down, I moved all my journal writing to work, heck, I'm at work now. That way, I had me evenings free to spend with her, and to do [whatever] on the computer. No problem, I still produced journal pages, but I didn't have time for critiquing anymore [still need to leave that list].

Now I know I'm going to be in St.Louis for awhile, and then at another job, where I almost certainly won't have net.access. I'll need to Internet at night to keep in contact with friends, but that's also the only time Azura and I have together, since we both work.

I can balance these things, but it will be hard. I'm not used to sharing my computer (or my time, or my life, really) with anyone. While I've been single, the amount of time I've spent with my computer has grown quite a lot. I'm going to have to give something up, I just need to make sure it's the right thing.

What's been going on with me this week? Well, my trip (obviously from the above) was cancelled, or rather postponed indefinitely, depending on the customer. Which was fine by me, since it looks like I won't be in St.Louis for two months now.

Saturday my Amazon.Com order (cool DirectX game book!) came, and I spent the afternoon geeking on the computer. I'm still reading it, and it's a very good book over all, pitched right around my ability level (usually they are too easy)

My birthday was Sunday, and Azura and I drove to Raleigh to meet Mom and Dad for lunch. This was Azura's idea, to keep Mom and Dad from coming to Charlotte. They don't realize where Azura's living right now, and I don't want to discuss it with them yet.

All in all, the trip went well. I gave Mom her train, and she gave me a beautiful jade dragon. [as well as a shirt, and some cups]. We made plans for Azura snd I to go visit in Wilmington, and we all went home.

A pretty good trip, all in all.

This week has been quiet, not much going on. Azura and I are planning to have people over this weekend. My aunt (who saw Satan, well that's what she says, who am I, an agnostic, to argue?) is coming up to sell ads tonight, and is staying until Friday. I'll let you know if anything exciting happens.

Of course, I probably won't be online much while she's around. Gotta be socialbe and all that.

No I have not given up yet!

Generic Joe's A Typical Male

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