Shut Up A mere body, a mind, a soul; is that all I am? Do i not have a voice? I shant stand being ignored, I've tried before, many a time. I don't like it, I can't stand it. Shut up and LISTEN TO ME!!! I'm not just craving your attention, there's more important things to me. So you see, that's not the task at hand. I never once asked for your approval, nor did i ask for acceptance. What i want from you is simple, for it doesn't even cost one cent. You don't need to spend endless days searching for what i need; all i ask is that you listen. Stop talking to everyone else. Oh, don't worry, not forever, just long enough so i can speak. I've been trying for so long now; will i ever get a chance? T'is not the world that's looking bleak, oh no, not from where i stand. Your face is what I tire of; your whiny voice makes me cringe, your ditsy giggle makes me scream! You need to invest in a brain, or perhaps a leather muzzle. So, one final time I plead; but do not expect me to beg, I have my pride little though it may be. But that's not what i want to say; Just shut up and LISTEN TO ME!!! By Charisse