Architecture Section
Business Meeting
Sunday a.m., 6 April 1997

Architecture Section moderator, Kitty Chibnik (Columbia University) led the meeting which began with an introduction of the other Section Steering Committee members, Ann Lally (University of Arizona), Section moderator for 1997/98, and Chris Sala (Columbia University), Update column editor. Judy Connorton (City College of New York), past moderator, was unable to attend the conference. Katie Keller (Art Institute of Chicago) was introduced and thanked for agreeing to act as recorder for the meeting.

New moderator: Tora Williamsen-Berry (Oklahoma State University) volunteered to serve as Section moderator for 1998/99. Kathy Zimon (Univiversity of Calgary) agreed to assist Tora as necessary.

Section communication: Analysis found that 106 of the 144 Architecture Section members have email accounts. If all these members were to subscribe to ARLIS-L, the list would reach 73.6% of the section. This is up from 53.6% last year.

Deadlines: May 31, 1997--to submit proposals for the 1998 Philadelphia conference and special funding requests from the Section; June 10, 1997 to update membership information.

Update column news: Chris Sala ( will continue as column editor and would like section members to send her column topics of interest. Members suggested the following column topics: bibliography of architecture school rankings; update of the listing of architecture school periodicals; internships listings; conference reports from Council of Planning Librarians (CPL), Association of Architecture Librarians (AAL) and the Association of Architecture School Librarians (AASL); new acquisitions; archival news; reviews of architectural cds; and CAD/CAM. Kathy Zimon volunteered to submit a report on the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada conference.

Section contribution to ARLIS/NA website: Website reviewing and ranking for the ARLIS/NA website, in particular the Guide to the WWW, Subject resource guides, Architecture Section was discussed as a possible section project. Volunteers are needed. If interested, members should contact Ann Lally.

Program proposals: Four program proposals were discussed. Paul Glassman (Pratt Institute) discussed his proposal "Diamonds or Dinosaurs: Landmark Libraries and Technology." His co-moderator is Clare Hills-Nova (New York University). Possible co-sponsors include the Space Planners Roundtable, the Academic Library Division, and/or the Art & Design School Library Division. Suggestions were made for broadening the scope of the proposal such as including new buildings fitted for new technology, including a speaker on furniture, adding a tour to the Fisher Fine Arts Library at the University of Pennsylvania, and an Ask Arlis session to serve as a follow-up. Tom Jacoby (University of Connecticut, Storrs) and Anita Gilden Carrico (University of Maryland) will work on a proposal for reference-focused session on architectural records. Amy Ciccone (University of Southern California) and Liz Byrne ((University of California, Berkeley) will work on a session centered on the topic of landscape architecture. Jeanne Brown will work on a program on library evaluation. The scope and format of all the topics generated a lot of ideas. There was also discussion on proposing a workshop on the basics of conservation for archtectural records. Members working on proposals should stay in contact with Ann Lally, the new Section moderator, at

Strategic Plan action items: Items 55 and 56, primarily designated for the Space Planners, would benefit from the services of the Architecture Section. Volunteers are needed to work on Item 55 (create annotated bibliography on library space planning) and Item 56 (create list with descriptive annotations of facilities under construction or renovation). Both of these items lend themselves to becoming "online publications" on the ARLLIS/NA website. Kitty Chibnik volunteered to organize an ad hoc committee of Section members interested in this working on this project. Volunteers are needed and should contact her at

Other business: Kitty will convey to Mary Graham, Board liaision, the interest of the Section in having the Executive Board appoint and charge a Taskforce on Statistics, as listed in the Strategic Plan, action item 43. Jeannes Brown agreed to serve on this taskforce, when it comes into being.

Katie Keller
Art Insititute of Chicago
and reviewed by Kitty Chibnik, past-Moderator, Architecture Section (Columbia University) 1