Note from the editor

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) held its 25th annual conference at the Crowne Plaza Saint Anthony Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, from 4-9 April 1997. The theme was "Celebrating 25 years of service to the arts information community." These proceedings represent the record of the sessions, etc. held there. The reports were filed by various recorders and the general character of the recorder's report has been retained. The reports have been edited for spelling but the format has mostly not been changed. The recorder's name and institutional affiliation are indicated at the end of each report.

The program chairs for the conference were Jeannette Dixon (Museum of Fine Arts, Houston) and Allen Townsend (Philadelphia Museum of Art).

"Panel sessions" are generally formal papers delivered by several speakers. "Ask ARLIS" sessions are less formal but do have scheduled speakers and are focused on a particular issue or topic. "Discussion groups" do not generally have scheduled speakers. These proceedings also include reports from the business meetings of the divisions, sections, round tables, and committees, as well as other groups and special reports. The minutes of the membership meeting are also included.

These proceedings are available as a World Wide Web document. They are also available upon request in printout from the ARLIS/NA headquarters. The headquarters address is:

Art Libraries Society of North America
4101 Lake Boone Trail Suite 201
Raleigh, NC 27607-7507

phone 800-89ARLIS (800-892-7547)
phone 919-787-5181
fax 919-787-4916

The ARLIS/NA home page is at

The ARLIS/NA listserve is at
To subscribe, send the following message to
    subscribe ARLIS-L firstname lastname

Sherman Clarke
Conference Proceedings Editor
New York University Libraries 1