astral place
sonero hall
its evolution baby
el cuarto de eros
tripping fields

About Cafe Chango Information on Café Changó.
Ache "Estos tambores son padres."
Astral Plane "...The central importance of entering into worlds other than our own...lies in the fact that the experience leads us to understand that our own world is also a cultural construct."
Bone "Eat, drink, and be merry."
Borinquen Live free or die.
Carimbo FM La Voz Libre Del Barrio
El Barrio East Harlem, New York City - El Barrio.
El Cuarto de Eros "Carnal apple, woman incarnate, incandescent moon..."
In The Beginning "Fifteen thousand million years ago the universe was no bigger than the dot at the end of this sentence."
Sonero Hall Legends of Salsa.
The Tripping Fields "You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland...and I show you how deep the rabbit hole gets."
Tumbao "Que no me entierren sin son."
Web Portals Other Sites of Interest

Cafe Changó is the Established Cyberlodge of the
Great Universal Brethren
Invisible Order of the Machete

All Rights Reserved.