Writingchat Bios: L

Fritz Limbacher

BA, MA, ABD in English. Once a hippie, owned a chain of head shops till the first oil embargo when vinyl prices soared and I couldn't replace my record stock), now a whatever-old-hippies-are-called-who-sold-out-for-a-while-then-dropped-out-again. In the meantime, I was a teacher (HS and College), Realtor, Insurance Executive, Siding Salesman, telephone boiler-room operator, caseworker in a Salvation Army homeless shelter, even a business analyst for a Fortune 500 company, and a whole bunch of jobs that I've forgotten about. Divorced 17 years, two kids, both attend Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. Oldest daughter graduates this May with a triple major -- Computer Science, Accounting, and Philosophy (the last a sop to dear old dad, I suspect). Came to Brecksville, Ohio, to be treated for my gambling addiction by the VA, and being homeless, broke and unemployed, had to stay after the inpatient treatment ended. Haven't gambled in almost a year, now. Currently getting a novel ready for submission, have an agent waiting for it as we speak. Like reading, writing, swimming, duplicate bridge (any game, really -- was a recreation specialist MOS 073.2 in the Army, pre-VietNam, got out just as they were freezing ETD's in '64). Lost my only brother in VietNam. Parents both gone, too -- I'm an orphan, now. Unfullfilled, dissatisfied, and very, very lonely -- that's fritz.

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