This site is currently under heavy construction.

In the meantime, if you would like additional information about DMesh or Hi-Res, please follow the links below. If you wish to avoid broken links, do not post links to any of the pages beyond this point! The following pages are likely to be moved or perhaps even deleted in the future.
DMesh - Musculature Based Organic Modeling

DMesh is a mesh creation and deformation tool for use with 3D modelling, rendering and animation software. Its primary focus is the creation of smooth-surface mesh objects by applying surface distortions to standard 3D primitives. It can be used to create smooth-surfaced and texture-aware organic objects such as heads, arms and torso's, or for other more inanimate objects such as hanging ropes, flowing curtains, wrought iron fences, and other bent, twisted and distorted objects. 

Hi-Res - Subdivision Software

HiRes imports low resolution 3D models and converts them into high resolution versions. It offers a selection of subdivision techniques and methods to control how this high resolution version is created from the original. There are also a number of additional tools such as creating smooth normals, manipulating polygon facings, triangulating models for triangle-only based renderer's, and a roughen option that can remove that plastic smoothness from models. 

Creature Creator Pro

Several enhancements, tutorials and downloadable samples are currently under development.