7 Jan 0900

Mary and I have been analyzing the misjumps and other problems as we search for *ASC-2344. While both of us agree it is a potential causality violation, we cannot find the reason. I suspected culture ACC-4 left latent interference fringes from their interstellar travel, but Mary insisted it was something else. As a student, Mary is still unfocussed, but her native skill to transcend the domain cannot be doubted.
Subsequent analysis of domain faults agreed with her. As you may be aware, most of our cpus use quantum superposition for parallel processing. Normally the spacetime domain coalesces to a single result. However, the spacetime bifurcations associated with a causality violation induce inconsistent coalescing, or domain faults.
Also the star *ASC-2344 is dark. We should be able to see it by this time. Is it a black hole? Mary is currently studying the physics to see if a wobbly black hole could induce this effect.
In any case, we advise extreme caution. This distortion is inexplicable and possibly a very dangerous-very, very dangerous causality trap.
Mary Liz

I'd stay away from that new girl, Sara.
She killed a boy. She's here on a 72-hour evaluation before they take her back to court.
So, why should-
What's wrong?
My pip just got another domain fault.
Is that that thing on your belt?
Yes. It's kind of my personal computer.
I guess it needs new batteries.
A domain fault means I'm in danger.
Or paranoid.
That's what the doctor thought. Drug induced paranoid delusions. So I'm here another week.
You know she reminds me of....of....oh, another Sara someone. She was very famous.
Who is-was she?
She lived a few hundred years ago. A famous....soldier. She wrote a book that PRA, the Army, still teaches from.
I guess I've always admired her from afar. She went for what she wanted and didn't make up excuses. Loyal, brave, dedicated, and a vicious little bitch.
My kind of woman.
Her job was to kill. And she loved her job.
And you admire her?
Not the killing. But her ruthlessness. There was an honesty, a clarity, to it. Like a force of nature. They, people like her, have given us peace ever since.
Does the end just the means?

'You can't be a hero with other people's lives. Yes, I have orderred my soldiers to their death. The Army pays for that priviledge. Soldiers, after all, are an expendable resource, iffen an expensive one. You use them to achieve your mission, not some damn fool glorious crusade.'
-Saratoga May James


Mary, I've been thinking about what you said, about reality always splitting.
Well, they do that in science fiction. You know, parallel universes. I've always thought that was silly. First, if the universe is constantly splitting, then it's getting more and more complicated all the time. Second, if there's a separate universe for each decision I make, where's free will? Here I decided to slit my wrist, but somewhere else I didn't. So what is the real me?
Well, it's not parallel universes, it's all one universe. Each different reality is like a wave in the domain, rippling out, interfering with the other waves, but maintaining its independence.
But the domain can only contain so many waves, so much information. Once you exceed this density limitation, there is a spontaneous and random loss of information, which is what you call entropy. So you're right, you do get more and more complicated realities, up to a point.
So it's a crapshot.
A what?
A gamble. Everything is possible, and any one thing is selected.
No, each reality has a different persistence, or probability. That's where free will comes into it. Or can come into it.
This probability influences which realities decay and which remain. It's not like they all decay at once. Some now, some later. But there is a decay rate. That's why the past coalesces and appears as a single reality. It also determines the speed of light.
Where's light come into it?
Light is just another form of information. The speed of light is just the maximum speed of information, that maximum speed at which neighbourring realities decay and coalesce into a past. The speed of light, relativity, Planck's constant, the uncertainity principle, in your physics these are unexplained assumptions. In our physics they are all derived by understanding the underlying texture of the spacetime domain.

'Given the Uncertainity Principle, spacetime S breaks down at infinitesimal distances, so that it is no
longer a differentiable manifold. Nor necessarily continuous. Nor even closed.

'It also means Cauchy sequences do not necessarily converge, so it is sufficient to restrict ourselves to a disjoint denumerable basis F={fi} of our topology O. Then O<=2**F.

'Instead of looking through a smooth window, it's like pebbled glass.

'Let A[]B mean A*B/=0. Note that ifnot  A[]B, we have no information on the relative position of A and B. There is no inherent metric on this topology.'
-Patricia Metley

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