Well, here's a short view of my interests. First of all I'm a reader, and
reading is what I did the 70% of my time b.i. (before internet). What I read? Near everything (well,
there's some exception too...I can't stand Barbara Cartland), from sf to
essay. I can't say I've a favourite author, but in my bookshelf you'll find nearly all Isaac Asimov's fiction
(ah, the old good doctor), plus some by Robert Heinlein, T. Sturgeon, R. Bradbury, P.J.Farmer, F. Herbert,
J. Ballard, W. Gibson, A.C. Clark, F. Leiber and others (yes, I'm a s.f. addict). There're also M. Proust (ah, la Recherche!),
J. Joyce ("Ulysses", but not the "Finnegan's wake", it makes me sleepy), G. Guareschi, D. Buzzati, F. Kafka (good old K.),
R.M. Pirsig, J. Kerouack, W. Burroughs, K. Vonnegutt, Dante Alighieri, W. Shakespeare, Y. Mishima, K. Oe, A. Tabucchi, R. Chandler, F.S. Fitzgerald,
M.V. Montalban, L. Sepulveda, D. Pennac ... and I stop here, 'cause there're over 700 volumes in my room, and I think you'd
find quite boring reading the name of all the authors.
My second passion is the cinema, and I'm trying to collect all my favourit movies on videotapes. Here's a short list of the movies
of my life: "Nosferatu:ein sinphonie der nacht", by Marnau; "Metropolis", by Fritz Lang; "Battleship Potemkin", by Eisenstein; all the Marx
Brothers movies; "Citizien Kane", by O. Wells; "Amarcord", by F. Fellini; "Easy Rider" by D. Hopper; "Roma citta' aperta", by R. Rosselini;
"Play it again Sam", by W. Allen; "The naked lunch", by D. Cronenberg; "Inferni", by D. Argento; "Terrore nello spazio profondo", by M. Bava;
"Apocalypse now", by M. Scorsese; "Ran", by A. Kurosawa; "2001:a space odissey", by S. Kubrick; "Blade Runner", by R. Scott; "Caro diario", by N. Moretti;
"Vertigo", by A. Hitchcock; and a few others.
And third come the music, wich I listen and play. Being a punk musician for a while, after an heavy metal fase, I'm actually on a kind of music wich I
don't know how to call, wich has punk as well as psichedelia and folk in it (if you know the C.S.I., an italian band, you'll understand what I mean).
I won't speak about the music I listen, it'd take too long, but let me say that Iron Maiden are a good medicine when you're down, Bob Dylan is probably the best
lyrics writer of the century, the Sex Pistols are good when you're driving your car on the way home at 5.00am after a Saturday night party, the Beatles where more famous
than God but the Rolling Stones were better.
I like also to travel, to sky, going to the theatre and to rock concerts. I like cakes and sweeties, I like chocolate (I'm a choclate addict). I've a bad vice: I smoke
and I'm not going to give up soon.
Well, I think it's enough. If you want more information, mail to me, I'll send you loads of absolutely useless and false information.