GOOD DAY everyone who visit my site.
This site is my hobbie, but I try to make my work more comfortable and interest to all people.
Sorry for my English. I hope You undestand what I want to say :-)
Basic rules of Fractals World
- Minimal system requirements: 800x600x16 bit/pixel; NN 3; Windows 3.1 (for some programms); enable JavaScript (without JavaScript You can't view Advanced version of Archive); modem (33600) for Internet connection.
Comfortable system requirements: 1024x768x32 bit/pixel (in higher resolutions images may view too small); IE 4 or NN 4; Windows 95 (all programms, include DOS versions); enable JavaScript; ISDN or T1 or T3 (for quick download big pictures).
And one more: Better if You know that is it "fractals" and if You can understand beauty of fractals.
- I add new images in Gallery and 3D Gallery every week. Come again and You can see something new. But… galleries contain ONLY images that I create in current month. All old images You can find in Archive (read below).
- All images on this site is 320x240 pixels. Only NEW images You can view in 800x600 pixels. Just click on thumbnail. Come again every week. I need more space for this BIG images and now I delete it from time to time. If You want to see OLD fractals in 800x600 and You can't create fractals on You computer — write me. Hope I can help You.
- Most fractals that I add to my galleries have files with parameters. You can download this file (very-very small) and create fractals on Your computer. Each programm use files with original extention and I show extention after file name (I pack parameters in zip-files. Unpack before use!).
- Archive (except Light version) I divide on some parts: by programms that I use and by image view. In archive I add ALL images from galleries. This operation I make every month. View archive and You view all images that I create for this site.
- Archive (except Light version) better vies in last versions of browsers. I put JavaScript code on this page to make archive more compact (on screen).
- As You view archive You can use SlideShow (only for browsers with JavaScript enable, better version 4 or high — I tested script in IE 4.01 and NN 4.05). Press button 'Start Show' and relax. Better if You wait for download all images.
Site Navigator
Fractals World contain some parts and below I describe thats all. It's help make right choice before You click on MENU in top-right coner of this page. All site parts are accessable from this MENU. Yes, of course, You can find MENU on that place on every page inside this site. Except ARCHIVE page, where I place MENU on right frame (if You browser doesn't support frames You will be automatically redirected to Light version of ARCHIVE — I think so…:-).
What I hide under menu items?
3D — 3-Dimention Fractals. To create this images I used special programms (as Quat). But I create some beautyfull images in FractInt that can build 3D images from saved files (but can't save paramets for rebuild 3D scenes again). Also I want to place on this page fractals that was import in ray-trace programms (like trueSpace or POV-Ray).
More come soon… Sorry. Now better go into the galleries (fractals and 3D) and later go to the archive.
Last Update July 1 1998