Minoa and LatexLover

Thank You and good bye...

Thank to 360.110 visitors stopping in to visit our site and all the letters You have written to us during the last 5 Years...

Although we have not spent any time during the last two years for keeping our pages up we hope it has been a small resource for You to get some information and fun.

We have decided to close the site completely because we will have as less time in future to keep it up to date as we had in the last years ;-)

So we wish everybody of You that all of Your (fetish-) dreams may become true - and - nobody knows - perhaps we'll meet again in C-Space.....

Sincerely Yours
Minoa And Latexlover

P.S.: Greetings to the real Fetish-Friends...

Last revised: 2004, Jan. 18th