Our agents our out EVEN NOW to find sites worthy of the Zagnut Award for Excellence in Obscure and Sticky Humor (pat pend). So far, bupkus! but hopes remain high. It will look something like this, only more so:

which is a thing I'm making almost entirely by myself, and if you knew what a moron I am with puter grafix, you'd be impressed, too.

However --- I discovered these beeeyoootiful background and spacer bars made by my neighbors at the DepARTment Store. They are not morons there. They are good.

And in the meantime, we'll be working ROUND THE CLOCK to get those Zagnuts out!

Got any you wanna share? Then WRITE me. The winner should be
obscure and funny enough to stick to your funny bone in exactly the same way that peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth. Dig?

Okay. That's enough. Go HOME now.

have yet to figure out the value of pi. 1