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Hi, my name is Scott.
I am printmaking in Seattle, WA.

New! I am in the process of redoing the website - it isn't complete yet but what is missing will link back to the gallery pages on this website anyhow. Scott's Linocut Gallery moving to

Click a linocut below to enter my galleries, check out the prints and send me your comments.

I am interested in feedback, and in hearing from others doing Linocuts and related work - Send me your comments!

Do you print on wood or metal? I would especially like to hear from you about your choice of wood/metal and inks you use!

Read about my recent work.

Thanks for visiting, --Scott.
Tour my tiny studio, or enter a gallery below

New: Cards from some of my prints are available online.

New Prints - 2002


Prints - 2001

Place Setting #1

Prints - 2000

Collection #1

Flowers! and more

Sharks! and more

Robots! and more

Flowers with outline
Linocut - ©1999
9 x 6 inches

Shark! and flowers
Linocut - ©1998
9 x 12 inches

Linocut - ©1999
9 x 6 inches

and Please...send me your comments.

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