Merrill Emmons Memorial Archaeology Collection

Select photos of the Merrill Emmons Collection of artifacts taken from an excavation of the Emmons site found in southern Fulton Co., Illinois during the 1950's.

Here are photographs of some of the collection in black and white. All of these pieces are now part of the Illinois State Museum Archives.
Piece A - Negative painted water bottle found with spiral design
Piece B - Owl effigy stirrup-necked bottle found with child burial
Piece C - Horned owl effigy bottle
Piece D - Bowl with inward facing bird (rattle head)
Piece E - Incised shallow bowl
Piece F - Duck Effigy bowl (rattle head)
Piece G - Copper covered wooden mask with weeping eye design
Piece H - Shell ear ornament, one inch high

Here is a photograph of an artifact accidentally uncovered in the summer of 1999.
Owl faced water bottle

The Man, The Myth, The Musician