- I'm female, 32 years old (born the 28th of September 1971)
- My starsign is Libra (also influenced by Cancer and Capricorn)
- I am a single mum, my son is 8 months old and the most beautiful boy in the world, ofcourse...hehe ;)
- My hobbies used to be reading, writing poetry and stories, going to the movies, travelling and surfing the net. Now i mostly spend all my time and money on my baby. *sigh*
- I live in Bergen, Norway.
I have an University degree in Psychology and Culture, my final paper was on the subject "The Commercial as a carrier of culture" with TV-commercials as the main example of this. It was recommended for publishing something I never got around to.
- I finished my studies at the end of the year 1995 and have been working since. I am currently working in Insurance!