

ikss   .../The sound of rain/Coltrane's jazz/a heart beat,/mesh in perfect time/...
akkitta27 .../of how our meeting was as the sun touches the night/
glasschameleon  You hold my/heart/once numb and ol d/in your hand/...
PoetsFriend  At times the pen upon the page/Is like the weight of a tombstone/And Keys typed are like heartbeats from Poe
offnrunning  Ev'ry day the sunset slowly dies/ On mine eye it's image marked
John Vorhaus  (author of  The Comic Toolbox) Now featuring unlimited free access to PARALLEL UNIVERSE (and writing exercises to stretch your brain)
DAN SWENSEN'S DIM FUTURE this is one page you won't want to miss. He's also editor of The Noise.
libellule   .../make love to my thoughts/tangle the stars/in my sheets/...
bitterboy   There was a puddle where I was collecting myself at the corner of the house...
excalibur666    .../Apathy/ how i embrace thee/
alone in the rain  .../It will tear at my heart with it's talons/And control me like a puppet/

      Writing/Reference Pages

Quoteland-find any Quote or Author
Funk & Wagnalls Online Multimedia Encyclopedia
Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
Resources Links (links to every kind of resource page)
Reasearch It! (another thourough page that includes many writer's tool)

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