A Soul

I walked in the middle of the night last night after leaving here. I was profoundly touched by the words and sharing of many. The sentiments and messages unleashing new found energy. It was quiet as I walked and my mind turned to my heart in the darkness and asked; "what is your soul Tamara"?

Looking up to the stars for the answer I could not embrace it. Returning home I sat in the shadows, drinking tea and pondered until the sun rose this morning. Soul to me is about integrity. Running deeper than hurt, further than pain, farther than faith and beyond wisdom - soul reaches for all that is bound tightly wanting to unfurl, disrobe and emerge. All that I touch, all that I kiss, all that I want, all that I wish are mere food to a soul which rises and descends of its own accord deeply within.

When I say I love, my soul does not ask why but how. When my tears flow my soul does not wipe them away but smiles lovingly. When I laugh my soul puts her arm around me and shares. When I do wrong she stirs and moves. She brings all I do not wish to see before me...no matter where I run. She told me she was mad at me for leaving her apart so long, and that she never promised to make me happy...only to be true.

Today my soul and I are talking to each other. She knows and I know...there is more. She had been waiting for me.


Thank you for helping me to see last night that the stage is not where I imagined...I hope your cold is better *sincerely*