Tall Shadows


When I walked this morning the sun was barely out of bed. Freshness abounded and my feet were wet with the morning dew. A slow moving mist cradled the lake, trying to decide if it should rise or fall and the trees were casting handshakes with their long tall shadows. With the sun on one side it was almost as if they were turning one cheek to be kissed and greeted for the day.

Side by side through trickle of time

They grow and share with each other

Branches touching

Calling each other lover

As I sat and drifted off into the quietness I watched the shadows move across the ground..... appearing to swirl with the grasses... at times growing closer.... at others almost vanishing... Over the course of an hour or so the shadows became smaller and smaller as the sun rose overhead..... until finally the shadows layed only beneath each tree itself. Like lovers they began the day by extending their shadows to kiss each other... talk and laugh... play in the grass. But they are shy and once the light of the sun rose they carefully hid away... though, tonight I know they will once again greet each other.... when... they will turn the other cheek to be kissed. Now I wonder what they do in the darkness of night.......... *s