Convention Photo Links

PCOC 2007 by Nigel Pottle, PCOC 2007 by Joseph Wu
PCOC 2005, More PCOC 2005
OUSA 2004, More OUSA 2004
PCOC 2003
OUSA 2002, Convegno CDO 2002
Various OUSA Conventions (Erica Knopper's Collection),   More OUSA 2001
SEOF 2000
Various BOS Conventions
Dutch & Other Various Conventions (Paula Versnick's Collection)
Various Convention Book Reviews (Gilad Aharoni's Collection)

Some Of My Favorite Origami Websites

David Petty's OrigamiLots of Wreaths and Rings.
Eric's Origami Page Great page, lot of links.
Francis Ow's Origami Modular Origami and Hearts.
Geoline's Origami Beautiful Japanese dolls with instructions.
Haligami Spectacular Origami by Halina Rosciszewska-Narloch.
Helena Verrill's Origami Sonobe model assembly help.
Ingeborg de Wolff's Origami Great models and photos organized by books.
Jim Plank's Modular Origami Gallery and lots of folding instructions.
Joost Langeveld's Origami Gallery and folding instructions.
Jorge Rezende's Origami Polyhedra Puzzles.
Joseph Wu's Origami A nice origami page with links all over the world.
Krystyna Burczyk's Origami Lots of modulars.
Meenakshi's Origami Modular origami photo gallery and diagrams
Nicolas Terry's Origami Wonderful origami site.
Paula's Origami Great page on "Knotology", Origami balls made from strips.
Pavilion of Polyhedreality A great page on polyhedra with extensive polyhedral links.
P. Zimuin's Origami Beautifully intricate kusudamas, glue/string used for most.
Robert Lang's Origami A wonderful page on origami as science, math, art.
Rosa's Cool Origami Great modulars.
Rosana Shapiro's Origami Awesome modulars with great choice of paper.
Tom Hull's Origami An origami math page.
Valerie Vann's PageLots of Modulars.
Yurii & Katrin's Page Oriland has beautiful presentation & graphics.

Some Origami Stores on the Web

Pixie's Origami Store
Kim's Crane
Origami USA
Sasuga Japanese Bookstore

Some Origami Books I Would Highly Recommend

Fuse, Tomoko Unit Origami -
Multidimensional Transformations
Fuse, Tomoko Quick And Easy Origami Boxes
Fuse, Tomoko Joyful Origami Boxes
Gurkewitz, Rona & Arnstein, Bennett 3-D Geometric Origami
Simon, Lewis & Arnstein, Bennett
& Gurkewitz, Rona
Modular Origami Polyhedra
Gurkewitz, Rona & Arnstein, Bennett Multimodular Origami Polyhedra: Archimedeans, Buckyballs and Duality
Kasahara, Kunihiko Origami Omnibus
Kasahara, Kunihiko & Takahama, Toshie Origami for the Connoisseur
Yamaguchi, Makoto Kusudama Ball Origami

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