I'm not into having fun myself, but I really get off on creating safe environments in which others have fun.
I'm the one who would build the playground for others, but not play in it once built. I'd stand back and watch others play, and carefully watch out for ways to increase the fun and reduce hazards. Then I'd build another playground with these improvements. And I'd just go on like this.
For a long time I felt somehow lacking because I did not enjoy the kinds of fun others enjoyed. I felt something was "wrong" with me.
But now I have accepted my odd relation to fun as simply my nature, not something "wrong" with me.
I simply love creating environments for others to play in, but I don't like playing myself.
In another sense, creating these environments for others actually is my type of fun. That IS my play.
I have not done much of this creating, yet, since I've only recently accepted it as my nature. I'm still mulling over how to apply my nature to my life work ahead of me.
See also this other self-description of my character essence.
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