last updated August 10, 2003


I can now trade any of my shows on cdr.
audio list A-I
audio list J-R
audio list S-Z
If its listed here, then its already on the regular list. these are just for
people who have checked the list before, and need to know what's new.
January - August 2003 UPDATES:
Bangs                    Knitting Factory NY,NY        11/1/02   29  B+
Jello Biafra             Sky Auditorium Chicago,IL     3/13/03  150  C
Cadallaca                Bottom of the Hill SF,CA       8/9/99   52  A-
Counting Crows           Morris Civic South Bend,IN   10/15/02   86  B
Counting Crows           The Vic Chicago,IL              11/02   80  A
Sarah Dougher            The Firehouse N.Manchester,IN   6/7/03  45  B+
Sarah Dougher            Old Town Schl of Folk Chi,IL    6/8/03  25  B+
The Gossip               Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       3/15/03   40  B
Graham Colton Band       Morris Civic South Bend,IN   10/15/02   35  B
KRS-One                  Joe's Chicago,IL               2/9/03   70  B
Morrissey                Theater St-Denis Montreal,CAN 9/13/97   64  B+
Morrissey                Royal Albert Hall London,ENG  9/18/02   79  B+
The Quails               Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       4/5/03   40  B
Quix*o*tic               The Warsaw Brooklyn,NY       10/28/02   43  B
Quix*o*tic               Knitting Factory NY,NY       11/01/02   28  B
Sleater-Kinney           RKCNDY Seattle,WA             2/26/99   66  A-
Sleater-Kinney           High Dive Champainge,IL       2/22/03   75  B
Sleater-Kinney           Metro Chicago,IL              2/23/03   75  B
Mary Timony              Irving Plaza NY,NY            5/29/99   58  B+
Mary Timony              Village Underground NY,NY      6/7/02   52  B+
Mary Timony              Schubas Chicago,IL            3/22/03   40  B 

July - December 2002 UPDATES:
99                       Pittsburg,PA                  5/21/99   45  B+
99                       Royal Albert Arms Winnepeg,CAN5/29/99   45  B
Bikini Kill              Denver,CO                    10/11/94   35  B+
Blackolicious            House of Blues Chicago,IL     9/30/02   35  B
Bratmobile               Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       7/9/02   60  B
Bratmobile               Metro Chicago,IL              7/20/02   30  B
The Breeders             Metro Chicago,IL              7/20/02   65  B
Cadallaca                The Troubador LA,CA            8/6/99   42  A
Caesuta                  Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       8/16/02   35  B
Ripley Caine             Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       8/2/02   30  B
Dialated Peoples         House of Blues Chicago,IL     9/30/02   40  B
Sarah Dougher            17 Nautical Miles Portland,OR 2/19/99   35  B- 
Sarah Dougher            Irving Plaza NY,NY            5/30/99   35  B
Sarah Dougher            Capitol Theater Olympia,WA    7/16/99   30  B+
Sarah Dougher            32 Suydam St New Brunswick,NJ 10/8/99   40  B-
Sarah Dougher            Knitting Factory NY,NY        1/24/01   39  B+
Sarah Dougher            Knitting Factory NY,NY        1/31/01   46  B+
Sarah Dougher            Earlham Richmond,IN           12/6/02   45  B-
Sarah Dougher            Antioch Yellow Springs,OH     12/8/02   55  B+
Erase Erratta            Metro Chicago,IL              8/19/02   30  B
The Gossip               Knitting Factory NY,NY         6/1/02   36  B+
Gravy Train              Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       7/9/02   40  B
Happy Supply             Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       7/9/02   30  B
Tami Hart                Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       8/2/02   35  B
Julianna Hatfield        Double Door Chicago,IL        8/10/02   70  B
Imperial Teen            Metro Chicago,IL              7/20/02   45  B
J Church                 Gilman St. Berkeley,CA       10/29/93   40  A-
Le Tigre                 Metro Chicago,IL              8/19/02   65  B
Man or Astroman?         Capitol Bar Omaha,NE           8/5/94   45  B+
Marine Girls             London                        5/14/83   45  B+
Marine Research          Ozone Records Portland,OR     7/19/99   25  A
Kevin Murphy             Univ. Book Store Madison,WI   9/27/02   60  B+
The Need                 Bottom of the Hill SF,CA       8/4/98   35  B-
Panty Raid               Metro Chicago,IL              8/19/02   30  B
The Prince Myshkins      Uncommon Ground Chicago,IL    9/13/02   60  B+
Public Enemy             House of Blues Chicago,IL     9/30/02   60  B
The Quails               Metro Chicago,IL             10/10/02   50  B
The Quails               Metro Chicago,IL             10/11/02   50  B-
The Quails               Beachland Cleveland,OH       10/12/02   50  B
Quix*o*tic               Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       8/16/02   65  B
The Reputation           Double Door Chicago,IL        8/10/02   35  B
Robino Robinovich        Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL       8/2/02   30  B
Saturday Looks Good To Me Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL     7/27/02   35  B
Sicbay                   Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       8/16/02   30  B
Sleater-Kinney           Middle East Cambridge,MA       9/3/96   40  B-
Sleater-Kinney           Underground Brooklyn,NY       5/13/02   76  B
Sleater-Kinney           Siren Fest NY,NY              7/20/02   66  B
Sleater-Kinney           Metro Chicago,IL             10/10/02   90  B
Sleater-Kinney           Metro Chicago,IL             10/11/02   90  C+
Sleater-Kinney           Beachland Chicago,IL         10/12/02   90  B
Unrest                   DC Space Washington,DC       12/23/86   40  B
Ari Up                   Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL      7/27/02   70  B
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs      WFMV Jersey City,NJ           2/22/02   36  A

January - June 2002 UPDATES:
All Girl Summer Fun Band Olympia,WA                    3/18/00   20  A
The Bangs                Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       6/28/02   30  B 
Amiri Baraka             Columbia Chicago,IL           2/20/02  120  B
Dan Bern                 Martyrs Chicago,IL           11/24/01   90  B
Bis                      Melkweg Amstrdm,Holland      10/27/97   57  A- 
The Blackouts            Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       6/28/02   45  B
Bratmobile               Middle East Cambridge,MA      3/13/01   36  A- 
Cadallaca                The Maul Portland,OR          3/01/98   29  B+
Cadallaca                Crocadile Cafe   Seattle,WA   7/23/99   53  A- 
Cadallaca                Spare Room  Portland,OR      12/13/00   50  A-
Chiyoko                  Beat Kitchen Chicago,IL       5/30/02   45  B
Chromatics               Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL      5/22/02   30  B
Cindy Lou Who            demos                            1996   15  A-
Cub                      The Vault London,ONT          3/11/95   50  B+
Cub                      Starfish Room Vancouver,BC    4/21/95   54  A
Def Harmonic             Metro Chicago,IL              3/21/02   45  B
The Dishes               Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL      5/22/02   40  B
Sarah Dougher            Beat Kitchen Chicago,IL       5/30/02   60  B
Evil Beaver              Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       5/23/02   35  B
Go Sailor                Bottom of the Hill SF,CA       4/9/96   38  B+
The Gossip               Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL      5/22/02   55  B
The Gossip               Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       5/23/02   50  B
Heavenly                 Alligator Lounge SM,CA        10/7/94   71  A
Le Tigre                 Metro Chicago,IL              3/21/02   65  B
The Lookers              The Maul Portland,OR          3/01/98   22  B+
Lois                     Olympia,WA                    3/18/00   16  A-
Lois                     Capitol Thtr Olympia,WA        8/4/00   41  A- 
Tara Maclean             Cafe Du Nord SF,CA            2/15/00   70  A
Marine Research          Middle East Cambridge,MA     10/29/99   51  A
Morrissey                9:30 Club Washington,DC       2/27/00   74  A-
The Need                 RKNDY Seattle,WA              9/21/98   22  A
Phranc                   OldTown Schl of Folk Chcg,IL   6/1/02   20  A-
The Prince Myshkins      OldTown Schl of Folk Chcg,IL   6/1/02   40  A-
Quix*O*Tic               Ladyfest Olympia,WA            8/1/00   34  B
St. Catherine            Fireside Bowl Chicago,IL      5/22/02   30  B
Sleater-Kinney           Middle East Cambridge,MA       6/1/99   67  A
Sleater-Kinney           GAM Hall SF,CA                1/15/02   79  A-
Softies                  Olympia,WA                    3/18/00   32  A-     
Softies                  Bottom of the Hill SF, CA        3/00   42  C 
The Third Sex            The Maul Portland OR          3/01/98   22  B+
Mary Timony              Empty Bottle Chicago,IL       6/14/02   55  B
Tracy and the Plastics   Metro Chicago,IL              3/21/02   45  B
Waxer                    Old Town Schl of Folk Chcg,IL  6/1/02   30  B+
White Stripes            Peel Sessions                 7/25/01   45  A

Autoclave                Conneticut                   3/91   30      A-
Bikini Kill              Democray Gent,Belgium     5/14/96   50      A-
Bratmobile               Buzz Cincinnati,OH        11/2/00   60      B+
Crash Test Dummies       Edgewater Fest Chicago,IL 7/20/01   90      B
Counting Crows           Warfield Theater SF,CA    1/29/00  140      A-
Dido                     Virgin LA,CA              2/24/00   45      B+
Dido                     Karma Club Boston,MA       5/4/00   60      B+
Donnas                   Rckndy Seattle,WA          7/1/99   55      A
The Gossip               Empty Bottle Chicago,IL    7/5/01   40      B+
Lois Maffeo & B. Canty   Schubas Chicago, IL      10/23/01   70      B+
Sean-Na-Na               Schubas Chicago, IL      10/23/01   45      B
Softies                  Ladyfest Olympia,WA        8/2/00   30      B+
Team Dresch              Democray Gent,Belgium     5/14/96   35      A-
White Stripes            Empty Bottle Chicago,IL    7/5/01   70      B+
White Stripes            Empty Bottle Chicago,IL    7/6/01   80      B+
MARCH 1998
APRIL 1998
MAY 1998
My needs: Delta Dart, Sarah Dougher, Oriflamme, Talulah Gosh, The Frumpies, 
The Softies, The Prince Myshkins, Boogie Down Productions, The Softies
Heavens To Betsy, X-Ray Spex, Heavenly, Slant 6, Bratmobile, Morrissey, 
Cub, Krs_one, The Lookers, The Crabs, Bikini Kill, Cold Cold Hearts, 
Sleater-Kinney, Marine Research, Team Dresch, The Smiths, Tiger Trap, 
The Third Sex, Sha-Key, Public Enemy, Mutabaruka, Basehead, Bunnygrunt, 
Cherchez la Femme, The Slits, Cadallaca, Excuse 17, Lois Maffeo, 
and others.       
Also seeking speeches by or interviews with: KRS-One, Lenny Bruce,         
Huey P. Newton, Dick Gregory, Chuck D, Malcolm X, Mumia Abu-Jamal,          
Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, Richard Pryor, Kwame Ture (Stokely 
Carmichael), Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin 
(H. Rap Brown), Eldridge Cleaver, Attahlah Shabazz, David Hilliard,
Ron Dellums, Bobby Rush, members of Monty Python, and others.  
I'll also trade audios for videos of Mystery Science Theater 3000
shows from season 7 and earlier, other than the Rhino shows.

© 2000