of nothing in particular, or of any real consequense...just random thought paterning and fuzzy logic.
Okay okay, I'll admit that some of the "stuff" in this site may be ... hard to swallow (for some, y0u kn0w wh0 y0u are).
...yes, but hey, whadya gonna do?
it's MY &@#%ing SITE!!
Click A Link and be transported, tO aNoThEr!
Besides, you think I'm gonna put the "good stuff" here to be plagiarized??? Think Again
((all writing on this site under copywrite: 4/12/o2 all rights reserved. any use w/0ut the author's permission is completely & absolutely prohibited))
"I believe we have been robbed of our true biography--that destiny written into the acorn--and we go to therapy to recover it. That innate image can't be found, however, untill we have a psychological theory that grants primary psychological reality to the call of fate. Otherwise your identity continues to be that of a sociological consumer determined by random statistics, and the unackowledged daimon's urgings appear as eccentricities, compacted with angry resentments and overwhelming longings. Repression, the key to peronality structure in all therapy schools, is not of the past but of the acorn and the past mistakes we have made in our relation with it."
--- James Hillman, "The Soul's Code"
As Close as The Stars
He opened the door slowly, and at the same time almost turned around to leave, before he could think about it he stepped into the room.
The light streaming through the window bathed the room in a bright golden hue, or so it appeared, and he stood there blinking, waiting for his eyes to adjust from having waited hours in the darkened hallway on the other side of the now closed door. "When did I close the door?" he wondered, a thrill went through him as he realized time had passed since entering and he obviously lost some of it.
In that moment he suddenly noticed that it appeared to be darker, as if from a midday sunlit space it suddenly was early evening, and the light most prominent shown from a lamp in an adjacent room. He slowly walked to the open doorway, paused just outside, his right hand resting along the doorsil.
With all the reasons that brought him here to this moment, his whole life now poised in his hesitation, of walking through the door and meeting, finally, someone he thought could give him answers.
All those reasons seemed like the faintest of dreams, and his hesitation seemed as the moment before jumping into a cold clear pool on a hot summer day. A smile began to form, a feeling of great expectation slowly building in him as he lifted his left foot and stepped into the vastness of space, twinkling with billions of stars...
[the following was found on a wall in the mens room of a truck stop somewhere on the way to somewhere, and is obviously the ramblings of a madman.]
Six Dimensions of Religion:
Myth – Ritual – Experiential – Doctrine – Social – Ethical
“The River of Life”
One cannot fathom the intent nor assume with any certainty the reasons and rhymes of existence. One can, from what is evident in the experience of the great river of life, surmise probabilities through: the diversity, the intricacies, the complexity, and symmetry of what “being-human” perceives as life, all that would logically indicate a high degree of potential, and an underlying, connective and collective intelligence, the depth and breadth of which could simply be called: Consciousness.
No time or space.
No beginning, middle or end.
Comforted by the concepts that calm fears, give purpose, meaning and direction through an experience (seemingly) between birth and death. Between the terrible and sublime, the mind swings in the meager and limited attempts at yet another Theory of Creation:
In our beginning, there is: “The Void.” Nothing of our limited conceptualizations can truly perceive of such a level and degree of supreme consciousness, being of infinite dimension, and unfathomable, unimaginable scope. The Void, having nothing of any elemental properties as measured by our present standards or theories in the context of space and time, as “Supreme Conscious” attention was elsewhere evolving other dimensional aspects and properties of existence. The closest one may perhaps come to a description of our present orientation of that-which-always-is-now, is that the supreme consciousness was in “a certain kind of sleep” regarding this particular layer of space-time manifestation. And then there was a moment of “a certain kind of waking.” An aspect of supreme consciousness awakened to the concept of our present layer of space-time potentialities, and perceived all at once all that is our Now, and began evolving along this perceptual continuum. As all things in our layer of existence evolves, so to do we mirror in perfect symmetry, that which has evolved beyond any measurement of time and space. That-which-always-is-now, or more simply: Consciousness, is as always, the ultimate awareness. In the expanding evolution of consciousness, one of the properties of its Being-ness, is creation. As our bodies create and recreate our physical expression through cellular and molecular activities, so too does consciousness experience all aspects of its “idea” of physical existence and expression. Through the myriad of entities that are only a portion of It simply and perfectly, Being.
As we are aware of our physical experience: the aches and pains, the comforts and pleasures, and are bombarded by the attached thought-full and emotional energies, so too is consciousness aware of the energies emitted by the collective experiences of all its physical expressions in this layer of space and time. All physical experience, all emotional experience, every thought and feeling and expressive act is experienced by the whole of consciousness. The totality of all possibilities, experience and expression, are evoked, enabled and enfolded in Consciousness.
Look not to the Totality of Being for comfort—look within. For in the mind of existence our moments are less than fleeting. Our fierce individualities are merely molecular identities, and as consciousness evolves, so too, do we, and visa versa. As the totality of experiential knowledge is increased, so too does that knowledge trickle down into the river of life, and as such, All—is as it should Be.
The concept of energy embodied in this existence is ultimately expressed from the source, and its potentialities are intricately and constantly evoked through even the most minuscule, imperceptible thought (such as through the subconscious or dreams). All human and natural activity is interconnected, and the infinite combinations of interaction precipitate the flow of this energy as the physical manifestation of all human, and natural, experience. In the sphere of our supremely conscious space-time expression, there is no waste, as the energy is re-cycled with effortless perfection. In this layer of space and time, the intricate aspects of duality are at the fulcrum of our energy exchange, utilization and manifestation. To comprehend the infinitely vast psycho-physic-space-time-mechanics of the perfect energy exchange and expression of this layer of existence, is and will always be, beyond the capabilities of any “single-cell entity,” attempting to fathom the entirety of the body it functions within. It would perhaps be “best,” to simply Be in the moment of individualized existence, aware of one’s own form and function, and as open as possible to whatever flows along upon and within the River of Life.
Ideally, an awakened, conscious state of awareness would perhaps most closely resemble the true state of simply Being, as a countenance of calm alertness, and openness to any and all experiences and expressions that the stream of consciousness may flow into any given moment. Allowing of whatever thought, feeling and emotion into action, or inaction, or reaction, which may be evoked in any given moment by any and all individual and collective expressions, in and out of space and time, all of which is ultimately that of Consciousness Its Self manifesting the River of Life.
In an experience as diversely and intensely distractive as the eternally flowing river of life is, constant reminding and remembering is the most probable way of more directly experiencing the immanence of consciousness in each moment. This would be done through whatever means that would serve to assist towards this goal, and results would of course vary according to the degrees to which one would be willing, focused and determined. The methods used would include, yet not be limited to; meditative and yogic practices that utilize any particular technique that “feels” most comfortable and helpful. Also, perhaps using new age techniques or more directly natural rituals, diet, physical activity, communion with natural surroundings, self-help publications and activities, 12 step groups and conventional religious practices, pagan or primal spiritual rituals, etc., or any in combination, and even none of the above. The choices made, in any given moment and circumstance, are simply that of the Conscious river of Life meandering wherever the dynamics of energy exchange naturally flows. No stress. Feel the flow. All is as it should be.
As the evolving purpose may arise, specific individuals may or may not be singled out to become “spiritual leaders or guides,” or they may even be self-appointed. Individuals may or may not choose to follow these leaders or guides. Groups may or may not gather for support and affirmation, and any or no affiliation is absolutely allowed. As consciousness is free to be, or not to be…so too are we, as all limitations are self-imposed.
Consciousness evokes, enables and enfolds all aspects of its Being That-Which-Always-Is-Now.
Silence most closely resembles the state of true Being. At the heart of AUM, is silence. Everything is interconnected, beyond what being human can imagine. Every action evokes a thought, every thought evokes an emotion or feeling, and every feeling evokes an action, reaction or inaction, thus the experience of the river of life in the totality-of-consciousness is a constantly flowing and evolving cycle. In silent, aware attention one may perhaps experience the rivers’ subtle eddies and currents, as surely as the experience of raging storms. If the mind of human manifestation and expression is quiet enough, for as long as necessary, an experiential glimpse of the deeper immanence is possible to whatever self-actualized, and/or psychosomatic degree.
Self-awareness, as it individually evolves, is an opening to the possibilities of consciousness that is expressed in any “every moment”, and a more aware utilization of the energy potential is possible. Silence is conducive to being free of the mind-full limitations that would hinder more direct experiences of what consciousness is actually expressing in the “moment-to-moment” flow of the river of life. Limitations entail attachment to thoughts into feelings and into actions, all of which hinder the potentiality of direct experience of simply Being in the sublimely meandering flow. Silence, then, most closely resembles the state of pure consciousness in the center of simply Being.
The condition of being-human exists simply in the totality-of-consciousness.
Seek to understand yourself first and last. Seek the grace and immanence contained in each moment, in each other, and in you. Be open to whatever manifests in each moment, be it comfortable or not. Be aware, and open to the ebb and flow of the energy within you, and how it is expressed through your limited, and limitless, individual expression of consciousness. Express joy. Allow the uninhibited, unreserved experience of pleasure, and partake in the fellowship of any and all you are with, aware of however those moments may unfold and affect. Allow and express anger, pain, and sadness, while being as aware as possible of however those moments may unfold and affect. Be kind to yourself and to others. Be open to your individuality and very human expressions, allowing yourself to express as many of the “positive” aspects, as well as any of the “negative” ones, while always seeking deeper and expanded self-awareness. Seek to be aware of what you are attached to and why. Seek to be aware of what you “prescribe” to as truth, reality and beauty, and why. To be “your-true-self,” you needn’t struggle with whom you are beneath the surface of how you may wish to appear.
Social & Ethical:
The utilization and manifestation of energy is supremely efficient and perfectly metered. For example: Benevolent or malevolent entities are the results of cycling and evolving levels of fear mindfully transposed upon, and energizing, the fabric of simply Being. Through consciously seeking to understand one’s self and the present-moment experiences, a more “positive” overall expression and experience can perhaps be affected. Such as, regarding the “filters” of perception that one collects throughout the length of a lifetime, and how these filters will, in actual effect, alter the perspective of the present moment, as in “looking through a glass darkly,” or seeing things “through rose colored glasses,” as such, the more one can become aware of these “filters” and their effects, one can perhaps make more aware, positive and self-actualized choices. All towards simply, and consciously choosing to enjoy the flow of Life as much as possible. Ethical behavior is simply a matter of self-awareness, or lack thereof, and the choices that flow from that awareness of perspectives that push and pull at the choices presented, in moments involving ethics and social interaction. Whether one-to-one, in affiliations, organizations, tribal and familial, ethnical, national and global groupings, all aspects of interpersonal relationship is filtered through the intrapersonal aspects of an individual’s psyche, and exactly centered in the depth and breadth of self-awareness.
[The following are excerpts, hacked from an undisclosed, secret government facility. It is apparent that the subject is completely insane, probably due to the secret government tests done upon the poor bastard. ***proceed at your own risk*** Furthermore, the use of hallucinogenics, or any psychotropic drugs is highly discouraged, as you will discern from these ramblings. Just say NO!]
"Breaking away from the collective “small-minded-ness”, or ego/personality/mask/identity/self image...etc., may seem like a daunting task, but it is possible – others have gone before, and show the way.
In the process of searching out, and discerning our individuality, from the beginning when we first start to realize we are adrift in an ocean of individuals, all seeking, it seems, to be buoyed by something, someone, anything.
Did you know that a baby only sees itself everywhere it looks? The little being hasn’t yet learned of separateness, that concept, like all other "small-minded" concepts, are taught, handed down from one generation to the next. Everywhere little he or she looks, it sees it's self, connected, whole, one. Isn’t that a nice nut-shell analogy to innocence?
The colloquial earth-space-time concepts are soon enough taken for granted as truth, the very essence of reality, as disseminated by the collective small-mind. This entity can be said to be responsible for all the aches and pains that inflicts all of humankind – in it’s flowing, layered and seeming discernment, and disregard, of the infinite and finite conditions each individual encounters in a lifetime. This lower intelligence permeates all aspects of an individual’s life, and as such collectively insinuates into every relationship; loved ones, family, group, team, neighborhood, town, city, state, nation, et al.
It lowers the standards of humanity, and raises the bar on mankind’s inhumanity, to our own selves, to each other, to man, woman and child, to nature, the planet.
The greatest part of mankind is said to be asleep. It is this very state of slumber, this automaton condition, this most unaware small-minded-ness, that is the root, the heart of all suffering, as this collective, individualized aspect simply seeks to survive.
In seeking, searching for our place in the day to day, individual worlds, these small-minded perspectives push us forward, into; worry, anguish, judgment, anger, frustration, expectations… you name the all too human emotion, and you can find it’s start in the collective small-mind.
I say “collective”, because it is part of everyone you know, it is part of our waking moments, and follows most into their dreams.
It is that which thinks; “I can’t! I don’t want to! I don’t know! I hate! I love! I wish! I want! I need! And it pushes on others; our mate, our children, siblings, parents, friends, family, co-workers, enemies.
And they push back, and we see each other, the world, our selves… from and through, and reflected in, these perspectives, of being separate, disconnected, apart, lacking, needing, wanting more than we think we have, deserve, and must have at almost any cost! Or, at least let’s make a deal…
For most of the population, this internal lower dialogue fluctuates, ebbs and flows. An individual learns eventually, for self-preservation, to stay in the mainstream, to keep-up with the Jones’s, to survive… and keep the dialogue at a somewhat steady thrum, with occasional flare-ups now and then. Then, there are those who’s lower selves rage, or ache and seemingly hurt to such degrees, that our prisons, lawyers, psychiatrists, treatment centers, self-help purveyors, snake oil salesmen, get rich quick schemers, hate groups, extremists, are never lacking for victims, cohorts, members, clients and yes, even the search for an abuser is never a problem for many.
It certainly has been a daunting task, hasn’t it?
The efforts we undertake each day, to stay afloat, in the ocean of others pushing and pulling, expecting, wanting, needing something, anything, everything from us!
And we, in our heart of hearts not wanting to do the same, not really, and try in everyway we can think; by giving, sharing, opening up as much as is allowed, and acceptable… to make that connection that will make it all seem right, feel good, satisfying, justified.
Therein lies the “cure”, from this most pervasive, and insidious malady.
“We are human, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated”
Ever notice that we appear to exist in a world of duality?
For every one thing, there is it’s opposite, not always as “perfect” opposite, as perfection is usually discerned from the very small mind perspectives anyway, but go ahead, name it… one thought, feeling or emotion, action or inaction, one concept of belief, state of being, or lack thereof. And somewhere, there is it’s opposite. Ever noticed how especially in nature, from the greatest to the very small, we can see a sort of symmetry, a balance, cycles, patterns, etc. So too, there exists within the multi-faceted and multi-dimensional internal worlds of an individual conglomeration, a nature that is the perfect opposite of our small-minded-ness.
That is that internal struggle we experience, to whatever degree, for each is an ocean unto their own selves, and each measures their own internal battles accordingly, but the underlying connective thread, is we all do have this internal struggle. Even what appears to be a stone cold killer, secretly, in a tiny part of their frozen wasteland, there is a light! Small and precious, albeit well hidden under possibly countless layers of small-mind experiences and perspectives, but nonetheless, it is there.
Call it our “conscience” if you will, for that term is closer to home than clinical definitions discern. For me to deny that killer a conscience, would simply be my own small-mind denying the essence of duality, within myself. It would be denying that light, or darkness that exists within my internal worlds, as any good small-minded collective member should.
That struggle, between wanting to give freely, share my laughter, joy, kindness, compassion, and understanding… Love, and then at almost the same time, choke the living shit out of that asshole that just cut me off driving home! After a day at the office where my boss gave ME shit, for some mistake a so-called backstabbing friend and co-worker made?!?! Wait till I get home… damn kids, and that bitch of a wife, or ungrateful, self-centered husband of mine! I’ll make someone pay, damn it!
That struggle, on a daily basis, sometimes hourly, minute by minute, to whatever individualized degree and form, is all at once both terrible, and sublime. And worth all the efforts, that those who have gone before try to show us, reaching back through time with their words, to offer a helping hand… to become more aware, awake to this internal struggle, and slowly, eventually, rise above.
I can’t say how, or what an individual should, could do, to rise above the small-minded collectivity, that seeks to hold us down. Or even why, for that matter, as it is part of that very small minded-ness, to attempt to discern the direction of another’s path, through the seeming maze of an individual’s vast world.
I do know though, that what the “others” have shared on their personal attempts, strikes massive cords within – and I would want, ultimately, to experience what they have touched: the truest, sweetest freedom, that has ever been imagined by mortal man, or woman.
To actually find the balance point, between the two opposing forces, neither good nor bad, light or shadowed, right or wrong, and simply… be.
In quietness,
In grace,
In silent Self knowing…
In bliss.
And in that, finally, ultimately reconnected, with who I feel to really be.
One foot in spirit, and one foot in the physical plain, am I more than flesh and bones, or the thoughts and feelings that seem to rule my world, am I a spiritualized being, having occasional human experiences perhaps? Do I not and have always felt in my heart, that there is more than meets the eye here. Have I not always sought to understand why I am here, and where do I come from, and where will I go, after leaving this mortal coil. Do I not wish, to simply experience happiness, and laughter, abundance and love? And do I not want to share that with everyone, everything…
Beneath all the collective layers that filter what I see and hear, touch and taste, that discerns and judges, that expects and rejects, that I will eventually let go of, and hopefully before that moment just before my last breath, when it all falls into place, and in those moments of letting go, to feel, to Know, without knowing... that I Am connected, to everyone, everything. Again.
Like when I was a little baby…
innocent and completely free of all these layers collected, from then till now.
That would be worthy of all efforts – of such a seemingly daunting task.
And so I would hope, that yours would be an effortless journey, and perhaps we’ll meet along the way, “on the other side”, perhaps on the way to the next experience!
And we’ll laugh till we cry, at how hard the last one appeared to be."
to be free, at last and again.
free from all concepts.
call it... consciousness.
or source.
or god, yehwah, brahma, or spirit...
call It whatever you wish. whatever feels most comfortable, most connective.
what is not this source?
and when, were we ever really not a part of It?
and all there is is consciousness...
and it's all just meant to be.