I was six years old when I had my first epiphany - new books were still being written! I remember what an exciting revelation it was that not all the world's books were finished and on the shelves. Hard on the heels of that came the desire to write my own. In the ensuing years the desire has come and gone and come and gone and come again. Sometimes when the muse was here, I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Taking advantage of the WWW's nature as vanity press, I offer some results. TOPICS
Stolen Stories

Chess Variants

Stolen Stories
* The Creator's Reflection
* Jack-of-the-Turnip
* Morgan's Ciconia
* High King of the Beasts
* Crow Insults His Feathers
* Rabbit's Plan
* Will Slater's Crock of Gold
* The Wolf's Promise
* Jon-Jacque's Lamb
* Ian's Fish Tale
* Riquet with the Tuft and Miranda Sophia [prose]
* Riquet with the Tuft and Miranda Sophia [verse]
* Rol the Drudge
* Jacque the Toad #0: Foreword
* Jacque the Toad #1: Liberation
* Jacque the Toad #2: Trash
* Jacque the Toad #3: Breakfast
* Jacque the Toad #4: Roofing
* Three Crowns of Morna
* Three Hairs of Dawydd
* Peacock, Princess and Dragon-King
* The Animal Assembly
* A Goat's Gift
* King Tom

I call them Stolen Stories because they were inspired by the old stories - fairy tales and fables, myths and folklore, allegories taught by ancient wisdom groups, stories from the Brothers Grimm and Br'ers Rabbit and Bear. I love them. I read them. I look for the common threads in them. And I rewrite 'em.

But I don't just copy them. The results are (I hope, I hope, I hope) new stories, my stories. Just some parts are. . . well. . . stolen.

Fiction - more standard stuff, and all my own
* Point of View * [new 26 Dec 97]

Poetry - maybe a bad idea, but sometimes nothing else will do....
* sometimes you know when it happens
* of course i'm listening
* saw him on a small town street corner
* out for a walk
* nighthood
* october grass

Chess Variants
* Ascending the Throne - optional great-chess like rule with a chain of command to replace captured kings
* Attendant Pawns - optional rule for any FIDE or variant game that uses pawns
* Berserker Pawns - optional pawn move for any FIDE or variant with pawns
* Cowardly Crew - optional rule for any FIDE or variant game
* Cruise Pawns - optional pawn move for any FIDE or variant with pawns
* Little Great Chess - great-chess, role playing and other elements
* Reversi Chess - optional rule for any FIDE or variant game
* Subversion Conversion - optional rule for any FIDE or variant game

Other Gaming Stuff
221B Baker Street
Online interactive who-dun-it. Uses frames and Javascript. Competition is against yourself, solving the case with the fewest clues. Only a couple of cases available, but more to come.
Fabloj * short fables in Esperanto and English
* La Cxevalosxuo kaj la Cxerizoj - The Horseshoe and the Cherries
* Kiel Nombri Vian Monon - How to Count Your Money
* La Azeno de Burideno - Burideno's Donkey
* La Cigana Malbeno - The Gypsy Curse
* Fusxmatematikisto - A Lousy Mathmetician
* Ekzisteco Filosofo de la Ebria Muso - The Existential Philosphy of the Drunken Mouse

* La Sxafido de Johano-Jakobo - Esperanto-only Stolen Story
* La Libro de Adamo kaj Eva - Cxapitro 1

Pregxoj * prayers in Esperanto and English
* Gloro - The Glory Be
* Ho, Mia Jesuo - Oh, My Jesus
* La Kredkonfeso de la Apostoloj - The Apostle's Creed
* La Kredkonfeso de Nicene - The Nicene Creed
* La Signo de la Kruco - The Sign of the Cross
* Nia Patro - Our Father (Lord's Prayer)
* Por Alvokigxoj - Prayer for Vocations
* Saluton Maria - Hail Mary
* Saluton, Sankta Regxino Mosxto - Hail, Holy Queen

* Kiel Diri la Rosarion kaj la Misteroj de la Rosario

Fabulos * short fables in Interlingua and English
* Le Asino de Burideno - Burideno's Donkey

Precarias * prayers in Interlingua and English
* Le Credo del Nicenes - The Nicene Creed
* Oh Mi Jesus - Oh My Jesus
* Saluta Maria - Hail Mary

Ya'll surf back, now, you hear!