All the best men want philosopher playboy bunnies.
And fancy, fragrant fillies that are funny.
Who love the opera and drink fine wine,
Who get their hands dirty,
But then get manicures.
Who lift heavy loads, but have a soft touch.
And listen attentively,
Saying what's on their mind,
But really don't talk too much.
'Cause they are mostly soft-spoken
They know every football team, know them all.
But occasionally lose their tempers,
Just like Lauren Bacall.
So slim and so agile,
With egos that aren't fragile.
Some men just want it all.
And when they think they have found you
They just wait for you to fall.
It's a long, long, drop off a man's pedestal.
Simple pine box.
Six feet down, deep inside the darkness;
Earth hitting the half hollow box.
Hands passing a cold shovel
Back and forth; back and forth.
Familiar faces looking unfamiliar.
The lone tear that snuck by my
Strong, stoic face.
Long solemn silence for the forever silent.