Song For Sweetgirl

So sorry to hear of your struggle, your strife
And the pain you’ve endured in your short life.
So sad to hear of your trouble and woe
Misfortune follows us all, wherever we go

Soft sweet child with the emerald eyes
How I so wish I could end your sighs
Hold tight your hand when we enter the night
Laugh down the dark shadows with all our might.

For in the morning the sun will again rise,
Let the sun light up your soul, light up your eyes
For we walk to the sun, our shadows fall behind
Let the sun light your face, light up your mind

So look to the future, look to the light
For pleasure may spring forth this very night
Hold hope in your heart and peace in your mind
Keep your face in the sun, keep open the blinds

For the light is life, the light will fulfil
Leave the darkness for the lonely, the sick and the ill
Let the warmth embrace you, bask in the joy
Let the sunshine through, hope and enjoy.

With an open heart, good feelings I send
With an open hand,
I am a friend.

4th MAY 1999



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An ItTookBloodyAges production by mudcrow